AH MkI -distorted


I have a MkI analog heat.
Set fully clean with minimal gain it outputs low volume and is distorted. Almost like a blown out distorted.
I understand the AH output can be lower to ensure there is enough headroom.
But the distorted output definitely isn’t right.

Is there anyway to fix this myself?
Is this a known issue?
My first thought is a bad capacitor but I have no idea how to test this.

fully clean as in drive at 0? or fully dry? did you check input sensitivity levels? are you sure you’re using the right cables in and out? do you get the same issue over usb/overbridge?

sorry for the dumb questions, but you never know. best of luck

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No worries, I get it.

I retested again. checked all the settings. cables are good. Never use usb/OB.

Unit actually works fine when cold/first starting it up. clean, clear, loud.

Then as it warms up it starts to degrade and lower in output.
I didn’t notice that before because when I got it, I turned it on and made sure it was updated/factory reset. So it had time to warm up.

That probably means something loose, failing or cold solder joint…that heats up and goes bad.

My first thought is power supply failing, not able to keep up. Worth a check.
Otherwise, yea maybe a bad capacitor inside the unit.
Visual inspection of the internals. Check for swollen caps, any discoloration on the board /components. Loose cable connectors… Sometimes just disconnecting and reconnecting a ribbon connector can fix things.
Good luck!


…can’t confirm this problem…since the heat is the only elektron device that’s literally getting hot, and if u operate it not totally wrong, this seems to be a service issue…

faulty powersupply would be my first guess, too…

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Thanks for the tips.
I will start there.
I hadn’t considered a bad power supply…

I’d like to avoid sending it in, unless I have to.
Shipping cost x2, tax and $100 an hour… :blush:

Power supply ordered. I figure I can return it if it doesn’t solve the issue.

Then I will open it up and see if I can find anything wrong.

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Got the new power supply and that didn’t fix it.

I get about 15 mins of clean/clear sound and then it starts to distort. This is with the drive down while wet and even completely dry (init patch and nothing else on).

Time to open it up and see if I can find anything.

Have you run the full recalibration yet after it is warmed up?

Assuming you are on a recent firmware.

(It sounds more complicated than that, but it can’t hurt to try.)

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Have you reached Elektron support?


…if u know what ur doing, sure, open it and have a look…

but i also hardly suggest, it’s time to contact elektron…

Yes, I did contact support.
I was originally going to send it in until I found out how much it would cost.
Shipping both ways plus $50 for every 1/2hr needed to fix it.

Now I’m trying to exhaust other options before sending it in.

I know enough to poke around inside and see if anything looks fishy…but beyond the obvious, I’ll have to send it in.

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