Affordable hardware that generates unique sounds?

Yeah, maybe a faderfox…

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in that vein I want one of these!

out of stock though :frowning:

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Ipad ??

Wow that project has come a long way… looks like a contender

was supposed to be back in stock for April potentially, but that was before the current situation, so…

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Desktop Evolver can go quite crazy and unique.

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Yes definitely but under $300?

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Oh how I wish I could score an evolver for $300


Oopsy my bad, had not seen the $300 range, its definitely more in the $500 ballpark

I think you should save up! Whenever I just “want” something, but don’t necessarily know what, I try to use all my current instruments in ways they weren’t “made” to be used. I have also regretted buying cheaper things because I didn’t have the money for the spendier things.
Maybe use microfreak as a drum machine and run it through your neutron’s input to get some analogue filter or some weird fm’ing. Run the black box into its own inputs and try sampling the uncontrollable feedback, pitch it down and enjoy some textures. Create a reverb/delay feedback with your neutron and the pedal, tame it with the filter and volume knobs.
Turn all volume up to 11 and see how different all of your instruments sound.

You might benefit from a midi controller like some people are saying above. Something like the touché might let you interact with your instruments in different ways.

If you want easy inspiration, buy the moog Filtatron app, plug in a pair of headphones that have a microphone and go for a walk. The Filtatron is still one of my favorite samplers ever. Not super useful in live performance, but excellent source of inspiration and sample fodder.


Volca Drum and Volca FM ( I sold the FM and I miss it), very powerful sound engines and good audio quality (analog volcas are noisy). Sequencer may be a bit on the weak side because of limited memory but both feature nice tricks of their own.

One synth that is very cheap right now is the Circuit monostation, down to even 249€ . Analog synth, analog pseudo drum machine, three sequencers, p-locks, 3 cv outs. Can play paraphonicaly both osc, either via sequencers or pads.

At the beginning I thought it was nothing special but it is because of the lack of internal fx, add a reverb/delay and it really shines. I see it as a modern MC202 on steroids; it is a pity novation removed the acid filter from the bass station 2


Also, Koma Elektronik field kit. Someone is selling one here on the forum!

Also listening to their videos came across this again… coupled with a Blackbox could be a source of endless atmospheric loops

I think if you already have a sampler, you can sample and layer multiple sound from the same synth and this way you can go crazy. Microfreak + blackbox resample can cover every sound I think.


Field recorder with some Lom usis.


To fit the spec of something which is quite distinct from what you have, that is hands-on and is in your price range I’d suggest a few options:

Shruthi-1 really is such a versatile synth with it’s various oscillator modes and if you are able to track one with the 4PM filter down then you’ll have a whole slew of filter shapes based on the Oberheim Matrix. In practice when jamming with it there isn’t much muscle memory required to quickly change between the most important pages.

Volca Drum/FM as others mention are pretty flexible. The FM can get surprisingly deep and tweaky from the front panel plus the option to load DX7 sysex. The Drum is fantastically deep and isn’t just limited to percussive sounds. If memory serves, Oscillator Sink has some good videos on using it melodically and under external midi control.

The Craft Synth 2 that others have suggested could be a good choice too as it has plenty of wavetables and oscillator modes that can get you into decidedly unique territory. However, the interface can be a little heavy on the shift functions which means some would prefer to edit it using a computer/tablet.

Lastly, and as a wildcard choice… if you can track down a deal on an Atmegatron it’s defintely worth considering. The 8 bit engine is grimey and lovely sounding, and although it’s interface is a little odd to begin with, the reality is that a good number of controls are dedicated and the circular LED thing is quite fun. It also has the ability to load different firmwares so you can use it as an 8bit drum machine, 8bit string synth, 8bit arp odyssey and a few other alternatives. Only downside being the method for uploading firmware feels a bit archaic these days.


Roland system 1m is actually pretty interesting at the prices you can get it at used… quite a few interesting waveforms to work with. Nice superwaves as well as some Vowel, XOR, Noise Saw, FM… cowbell. You can fm between the waves aswell which leads to pretty interesting results, use that to fm the filter. It doesn’t have the most patch point but because it has some odd wave types you can definitely get to some unique places with it.


If you want “unique unique”, these sound boxes are amazing and will give you lots of sample fodder for the Blackbox:


You already have the microfreak but for those who don’t - get it! i think it would be the king of the under-$300 unique sound generators.


How about the Nord rack 2? I was offered one for £300