I am going to be doing more finished tracks as videos in the coming weeks and months, so figured a single thread is best.
Up first:
This started as an insomnia induced experiment to see how far I could push single cycle waveforms.
Elektron Model:Samples (running just three different 556 byte single cycle waveforms from Digitone and Analog Four, used across all 6 tracks. Heavy LFO modulation to synthesize the kick and bass (DN) sounds, and hat (A4), all in the M:S.
1668 bytes of .wav audio to make this. Not KB, not MB. Bytes.
Special thanks to our dear @Taro for those free single cycle waveforms, from his wavetable pack.
Was a fun experiment in pushing such minimal material to the limits.
M:S output hits an Alesis Micro Limiter and some light Octatrack FX (EQ/Comp) as well. MF Twister just controlling OT bass DJ equalizer.
The whole tune is also a statement of frustration with our current global predicament, how our leaders have failed us, and how we must work together to overcome the reckless choices made by those who have abused their power. I could not sleep last night and had to get this out of my system.
If you want to discuss that further, find me in the covid-19 thread.