Adam Jay - Live Techno (MS+OT) - March 2020 + CDM feature

Oh, yea, nothing complex on the OT for that tune.

I just happened to have them hooked up to one another for the live set. :slight_smile:

The “DAW in a box” analogy of the OT is a prevalent one. I find the OT to be its own paradigm, though.
Yea, there are similarities and lots of places for overlap, but the tactile nature of the OT makes it more like an instrument.
A very powerful instrument.


@AdamJay Read the CDM thing, watched the video, picked my jaw up off the floor and THEN finally made the connection that it was made by one of my fave posters/mods on this forum! This single cycle business is one of the main reasons I chose the model:samples. I really cut my teeth using littlegptracker with single cycles (along with @Ess). Haven’t spent much time really working hard with single cycles and haven’t really had much luck getting anything good. But you proved it’s WAYYYYY doable! Kudos!


Google (who obviously know everything about me), suggested this article for me this morning.

Nice one @AdamJay


I usually keep up with CDM, but I think I missed this one (2020 – what a year!). Gonna go back and check this article out.

Really appreciate what @AdamJay says about staying punkrock. Low budget.

He’s absolutely right. Techno music to me is more about the attitude not the technique.

Thanks for sharing this!

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…look…who really rox…!..purest understatement entertainment…minimize to maximize…

For some reason I never listened to his albums before. Pretty cool stuff !

Yeah me too and I don’t even read cdm, thanks google.

I’ll get on with reading after work, look forward to it actually.

There’s been a pretty cool discussion here if you want more:

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(threads combined!)

Thanks, everyone!

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And I might as well use this as an opportunity to let you all know that I’ve been uploading old releases to Bandcamp. At this time, these 10+ year old releases aren’t available elsewhere:


Angel Alanis! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: Going to check that out toot sweet.