Absolute best headphones for mixing

Suggest you check out the head amps from Schiit–excellent engineering and build quality. You could get a Magni or Magnius–both are bargains for the quality. If you want to go further and maybe add a DAC for general music listening–the Jotunheim is a great option.



The new standard (as far as measurements like high power output, low noise, low distortion, flat frequency response, etc. go) seem to be from the newer chinese brands like topping etc. The a30pro I used seems well built and people seem to really like them. I did a bunch of research over the last week and really can’t find anything better (not made in china) with similar specs and features unless you bump the price up 4-5x.

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It’s crazy to see how underpowered the headphone amps are in a lot of audio interfaces. Most of the headphone amps in interfaces I have used put out between 40mw - 80mw at 300 ohms. The $99 Schiit Magni puts out 410mw per channel at 300 ohms. The Topping a30pro mentioned above puts out 840mw per channel at 300 ohms. I will definitely be trying out a headphone amp soon, as I feel like my 6XX’s could benefit from more juice as they are 300 ohm cans.


Definitely get an amp for you 6XXs! You are going to be angry with yourself that you didn’t do it sooner once you hear the difference.

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Definitely will, looking forward to it.

Phonon SMB-02G

i’ve used Sennheiser 280 PRO’s for recording vocals and rare occasions i’m not using monitors. Now I’ve switched to portable jamming I’ve ordered the Beyerdynamics pro x’s, getting them tomorrow. Curious to test the difference. Both are not that expensive.