About Slicing Samples : No Slice Mode in DT? Should I trade DT for a OT?

I’ve played live shows with using the OT and its slicing features. My observations are based on those experiences.

I could keep repeating that I’ve played live with the OT, I’ve sliced with it live, until you get it, but I could also just give up. Not changing my opinions in any case. I bet you haven’t thought up of how you’re going to cover up those seconds of silence that happen while you’re slicing.


I don’t get it : you can perfectly slice an OT track while it is playing, e.g by deactivating slice mode.
Why would you need silencing anything ?

Unless you’re talking about DT ?

To answer OP : Octatrack stays the reference !
With One shot trigs, you can have fills.
With 3 LFOs per track there are ways to randomize things pretty easily.
And with slices you basically multiply the tracks number :smiley:
Oh, and USB drop + Octaedit are really good points for OT.

I’ve been told that now is the right time to get a used one :smile:


Thanks man!
There aren’t much elektron users out here where I live, but I’ll try to hunt one down lol. I think the 8-9 seconds of the slicing process is pretty good to me, since I don’t play much live stuff, but I work more in a studio. Creating fills sound cool too. IF there isn’t one out there, guess I’ll have to wait a few years to get a OT2(hope so). And come up with a workaround in the meantime.

Yeah, I’m not getting something. The way I use the OT I always live sample and my new samples are already chopped to 64 and immediately appear as slices in pre arranged flex patterns and can instantly play them in slice mode and live record… There’s no stopping to do anything…


Don’t worry about it.

Thread got off track - I have someone to put on my block list, if can find the feature -but the original question was clearly answered to the OP’s satisfaction.

Clearly you enjoyed our conversation more than I did. This is our last.

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If you are into Hiphop - why dont you use the machine that was literally made for that? The MPC? :smiley:

Seriously - i have the Digitakt and its absolutely fantastic! But i also have the MPC Live now and there is quite a lot to love about it, really. Its not the “perfect” Workflow but it offers so much (including the Slices that youre after) and once you get into it, its really easy too.

The Octatracks Workflow is still not made for everyone :wink: Its an awesome Machine, no doubt. But it really comes into its own when its about Sounddesign and Live Performance. Using it just to fire up some Slices is only scratching its surface! I would consider trying out your DT and if it doesnt fit for you i would trade it for that MPC Live, because this thing hasnt anything to do with the clumsly small screen fiddling that the MPCs were known for. It might not be the best workflow compared to our Elektron machines but if you compare it to older MPCs, Props to Akai for streamlining the Interface into such a usable Form. Give it a try :wink:


I’ve been enjoying using external controllers with the Digitakt to play back chops


This is awesome, man!

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I just now saw that video! That’s awesome! Great work!

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