Ableton users: what am I missing?

So I use Ableton, but I don’t really use it- I had a Push controller for a few months and traded it away. Now, I essentially use Ableton as a mutli-track recorder, FX and mastering suite (with the occasional drum rack). With the glaring MIDI sync issues with external gear, I’m hardly using it for the right reason either.

I never connected with “session” view with the Push, but I’m thinking I need to give grid controllers another try. They serve so many purposes, but do they serve any well?

So should I do an APC40? A Launchpad S with a Nocturn? Something else?

Or should I just not even bother and stick to the OT?

Hey Ryan, I really dig Push! Mini Launchpad looks like a real bargain though to get in the grid game. It actually took me about 5 years of downloading the Live demo and “not getting it” until I finally took the financial plunge and forced myself to learn it. i.e it took a while to click with, but when it did I have to sequence my songs live now even if I’m tracking hardware. It’s really as simple as you think get all your parts of your song arranged and start triggering scenes and clips while recording to arrange view. It’s a crazy way to work but super fun and inspires creativity!

Wait and see what Live 9.1 brings and then buy another Push! The different between a Launchpad and Push is like night and day. Why not pick up an Innerclock Systems Sync-Gen and solve your MIDI problems too :wink:

Funny how my hardware obsession has led me back to wanting to get the most out of software- I tend to see ableton as an instrument, if used as intended.

But I’m currently wasting a lot of potential creativity with my recordings, so I need to change that. I’d get another Push now that it’s been updated (since I felt like I had a Beta in March…)

I have an innerclock sync-gen II Pro for sale. PM me if your interested.

Have you got an iPad? I used Shove via Lemur on my iPad and other than the physical feel of encoders/pads it gives me everything Push can do. Just recently discovered it and certainly put to bed any wishes I had of purchasing Push.

I have Live and am very happy with it. I can’t quite nail a workflow that Im happy with between OT and Live but Im finding that sometimes I want to keep things cleaner and work within Live & Maschine while other times I fancy getting my hands dirty and sitting down with the OT and Tetra. Having both options is a lot of fun.

To tighten the two up, something from innerclock would be great - especially if considering live use.

I would skip the Nocturn. I have one but it is pretty flakey with Windows 8. In fact, it doesnt even work under 8.1. I can see an APC 40 with SHove/iPad being an awful lot of fun of fun for me.

I was in a similar boat to virtual_flannel actually. I never clicked with the Live demo. Took a punt on MAschine MkI during the sale last year and that sort of approach finally took hold and within 2 months I had Live Suite. Never looked back really. I still get the OTB itch but the OT really covers that off to a huge extent.


i had Push too and sold it after 2 weeks because i didn’t use it at all. Things go must faster for me by just using a mousse and record everything and then move it to my OT and then back record it in ableton. So push don’t really fit in my way of working.

But what i miss a lot is my apc40 (that i sold to get the push -_-)…

So my advice is buy and apc. I’ll buy one as soon as i know what the new machine is from elektron and if i want it :stuck_out_tongue:


I struggled for years to use hardware to make music (everyone that knows knows me knows that I would buy and sell hardware constantly) it wasn’t until this year that I finally took the biggest leap and went from Mac to Building a PC dedicated to making music.

I sold all of my hardware (every last bit except my guitar and bass) picked up Ableton Live 9 w/ Push, Novation SL49 MK II and Maschine (i still like the MPC style of sampling and chopping) Along with some software synths I do 99% of my music on software. Purchasing Ableton has been the eye opening kick start that i wish i had years ago. It’s way of thinking about music (session view) is what I’ve always never knew that I wanted till i forced myself to try it.

Push while not as integral into my setup yet has been a fast way to control and do the basic things that i want in ableton. The scale mode and way of playing notes is probably my fave thing ever. It gives me random starting points or filling/starting ideas that i can either fleshout on Push, click in the notes or even ATTEMPT to play on the SL49.

PXT Live has an awesome user mode for push (there are a few youtube vides on it that i can’t link to because work). it really opens up the Push way of thinking. Which is really nice because with the flick of the user button you can switch easily back and forth.

TL:DR - Ableton opened my way of thinking musically. Push expanded upon that way of thinking. And that I hope Ableton will keep fleshing out their flagship controller.

9.1 will hopefully be out soon and I welcome it with stretcharmstrong open arms because dual screens.