Im still using live 8. and have had an issue over multiple machines where when long audio tracks are zoomed into (especially if 96khz) the display seems to freak out and go super slow… seems to historically be a very common issue with other users.
Im using a very high end pc with 32gb of ram and a 2gb graphics card but it occurs just the same as it did on my crappy old machine. albeit im still using 32bit ableton 8
my question is to any live 9 users - did you have this issue prior to jumping up to live 9 and is the issue now fixed - especially going over to 64 bit?
You’re only using 4gb of your computer’s 32gb of RAM with Ableton running in 32 bit.
Assuming you’re also running a lot of plugins and background apps (as anyone would feel comfortable doing with 32gb of RAM), the upgrade is probably a good idea.
I run Live 9 on my laptop (16 gb RAM). Zooming in on waveforms works in 32 and 64 bit perfectly.
I haven’t experienced this problem, but just wanted to say that Live 9 (now 9.1) is IMO well worth the upgrade price.
Lots of stability fixes, it’s the best version yet - and you can see this from various forum posts that long term users are generally very happy with it.
im actually not using any plugings when the issue occurs - just zooming in on recorded audio - but yeah they are big audio files - i do suspect going 64 bit will fix the problem. good excuse to get a push maybe anyway.
i did some digging and the slow preformance when zoomed seems to be a hard disk thing… turned on the RAM button for all recordings and problem seems to be solved…
but i did end up just purchasing live 9 anyway - no push tho… cant wait to give it a go.
ableton seems to have done a good job with the latest update but i was a bit annoyed by the fact that most of my old VSTs were gone so now i’m left with just few of them, meaning that tracks i made using live 8 are missing plugins…
apart from having two copies running at the same time, is there any other solution to avoid having to get (again) all the old plugins running on live 9?
Overview to mid zoom is stored on the analysis files, when you zoom deeper the actual file is used, if you have performance issues may be it is related to the volume you have your audio files or temp audio files. Check using another drive, then check memory and CPU usage at the time the issue is presented.