Ableton Live 11

Also you can load a sampler into each pad of the drum rack allowing you to multiple that by how ever many pads you use. I don’t think a lot of people know about that. Also you can load operator into each pad, thus making a custom FM drum machine.

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How can I get the Note Expression glides to work with my hardware synths? It works with Wavetable but I can not get it to work with my DN in Overbridge mode and my Matriarch.

Your synths need to be MPE-capable. As far as i know, DN and Matriarch are not.

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Okay, really, its only control over the pitch. Are you sure?

Well, that was fast! Somebody already made a way to morph between macro snapshots.


Does anyone know how to automate changes between the different macro presets we can save? I can’t figure out how to do it without overwriting the midi.

Warshipping “the Beast downstairs” might cause problems like that.

Curious. Maybe a feature request for Ableton. But it’d be nice to assign either a key or controller to launch the Variation PLAY button instead of the scroll and up and down buttons.

I like these variations though. It’d be nice to get a smooth transition between variations as well.


Very good call.

nice max4live device for moving between variations. it’s free.


Found a M4L device that mimics the midi scale feature in 11.

It simply adds notes to a selected clip in the area before the clip starts so when you click the fold button it only shows the notes in your prefered scale.

I haven’t used it so I can’t speak for its usability.

I personally love their Arppegio designer (with a scale device placed straight after). Midi manipulator (havent got it yet) appears to provide a feature I’m still waiting for Ableton to add.

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Live 11 is a huge loving the improvements


Welp, just wanted to share my enthusiasm for Hybrid Reverb’s “Spring” IRs incase anyone hadn’t found them yet. They sound so fkn nice, especially blended with a lil bit of algo verb.


I should have used fx rack selector more frequently, even if its not new, its a killer feature.

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live user since version 4 or 5, went all hardware for about five years, now back with live 11 and for the first time realized how good saturator and dynamic tube sound. also overdrive. and i just found out about ★·.·´¯·.·★ [̲̅O̲̅][̲̅T̲̅][̲̅T̲̅] ★·.·´¯·.·★

makes me feel all warm inside


what is that?

the Multiband ‘OTT’ preset i’m assuming…


cool thank you

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.

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OTT is much hyped atm
There’s even a plug-in devoted to emulating that specific preset within ableton live
(Sure no doubt y’all’s know that… I only found out today)