Ableton co-founder Robert Henke thinks we should bring back CDs

From Deepgrooves, 500 vinyl without any covers, inserts etc. is 1500 euros. 1000 is 2300. You can probably get them cheaper if you look for the cheapest plant, but not much. Add four colour inserts, sleeves and covers and it’s a lot more expensive. So “Pressing vinyl isn’t that expensive, really. 1000-2000 euros for 300-1000 records” is fairly accurate, the right ballpark at least.

Nah I was agreeing with your post, by saying that was a quote from 2 years ago, thinking maybe @ghostbuddy had not checked prices since then :slight_smile:

Well no, but I did take into account the inevitable price hike due to Covid. Maybe not inflation though. Last time I released a vinyl, 300 with 4 colour sleeves was 1300 euros.

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Yeah the sleeves, printing, delivery etc are not really something you can avoid too.

You can outsource them to dedicated printing house though, in a cheaper country like Estonia for example. Save a few hundred.

as @ghostbuddy said, this isn’t really an issue. new stampers are created from the master lacquer after stamping ~2,000 records, depending on the plant.

i’m interested in reading more on elasticstage but their website is just 2x quotes…?


I don’t want to shit on a service I like the idea of, but I’ll believe someone re-inventing vinyl pressing when I see it. Right now that’s just a start up with a great idea but nothing to show.

I wonder if the end game is to provide vinyl direct to the consumer?

@LyingDalai maybe this discussion from @Jukka initial post:307 about it could be moved to a new thread since others might find a new vinyl process interesting?


Thanks @darenager for the suggestion, i made a new thread.

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We need to decentralize it again, there is the to do it.

I throw used car batteries in the ocean.

Sod CDs, I want HiRes factory made MiniDiscs.

Make them BluRay based, 4 layer, capable of holding DSD or 192Khz, 32bit audio with multichannel options.

Re-release artist back catogues, put new artists albums on them, make the cover art an actual booklet

Anyone else tried shaving CDs? It’s amazing. Music becomes cleaner, clearer and better focussed, with greater separation of instruments and a greater sense of space around them. Highly recommended!


Damn you just stole a few minutes of my life.

Do you think the sound of the OT can be improved by shaving the outputs?
Or even make the DT sound less HiFi ?


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I also demagnetize my CDs. It makes the gritty 16 Bit crunch of a CD sound even more fat and punchy.


… but if I really want to go all out, I use this tool:

I wouldn’t buy new vinyl or CDs. Plastic is killing our world. Old vinyl that was recorded and pressed before digital is truly analogue and that’s why it sounds so good. Analogue everything. Modern vinyl is all digital up until the point of pressing. Not worth it for our and kids’ future. Just download and forget physical. Music isn’t physical anyway… all just sound waves.

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Sound waves are physical. (Music is probably psychical too, assuming that was a misspelling.)

Well yeah but only in the same way that WiFi is physical.