Ableton 12 Hybrid Setup Advice Push Hapax Oxi One?


I’m looking for a Hybrid setup with Ableton 12

The problem is I can’t make my mind up on either

Ableton with a Push 2 or 3

Ableton with Hapax or Oxi One

I have a bunch of hardware that I want to integrate with ableton but want something that’s hands on and I can get ideas down quickly

I know there’s loads of ways of doing this but I would love to hear your suggestions and experiences of either of the above setups


…ever used a push? is pretty hands on as it could get…and it’s sequencing capabilties for including external gear is totally fine…and how to create midi content is pretty futuristic…

but sure, it’s way more enterprise, while the oxi is more x wing… :wink:

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I have both the Push 3 and an Oxi.
If I want to play something in, I use the Push - those MPE pads are divine!!
If I want to get some interesting sequences going, thats where the Oxi comes in.
Step sequencing on the Push is absolutely fine, but the Oxi can go so much further. I guess it depends on how quirky you want to get with your sequences.


I was planning on going for a hybrid setup with ableton and purchased push 2 for the purpose. However I did not like the workflow with the push. For me push 2 still seems quite similar workflow to regular ableton workflow but I realised I wanted something more immediate that I could jam and tweak almost live improvising. There are so much possibilities with the push that there’s also lot of navigating in different sections and menus so the workflow didn’t work for me. I guess you have to try if it works for you.

Next I’m planning on using ableton as more of a mixer and fx. And I’m going to sell my push 2. Get a torso t1 as a sequencer to play along with my other hardware.

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Thanks guys

How does the oxi one integrate with Ableton as I have read Hapax doesn’t integrate that well with it

Also I forgot about the Torso T1 what does that bring to the table?

Are you trying to produce music or play/make it live?

If produce, I’d get a Push.

If live, then Hapax.

Btw Hapax has audio-sync in, and individual track delay compensation. Meaning its very easy to get notes locked in very tightly to the grid, far better than MIDI clock ever can.

Best of luck whatever you decide!

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I’m looking to produce in Ableton so not play live well not as yet

Would a Push 3 be worth it over a Push 2?


For me it totally was. The layout is better, the pads are way way better, even if not using the MPE, and the IO (audio interface, ADAT, midi, CV, etc) means it can connect to anything.

You definitely don’t need to start with the standalone version either, as you can easily upgrade it later.

That sounds ideal but is there any kind of chord mode generator etc with the push 3 or could I use a plugin within Live to a give this using 1 pad on the push

That’s why I was interested in the Hapax or Oxi One because of the way they can generate random chords and progressions but if I can do that with a Push and Live then that would be great

Hope that makes sense


…with ableton 12 and a push3, there are pretty much no limits left, when it comes to midi expressing and generating…from beats and bassline to melodies and chord progressions, all within or outside of key and grid as u whish…all u need is a tough cpu…

if ur all in for production, any third party hw sequencer can only slow u down…


Thanks that’s what I’m looking for

So basically Ableton and a Push 3 can do what a Hapax or Oxi can do and a lot lot more



Yes, all your Hardware synth, Grooveboxes, etc. can be controlled Audio and Midi with Live (use for that etc. a Miditech USB-C 8 In/Out Midi Interface).

I only sende midi clock and bank/prog messages from Live to the Hardware.

You can arrive at a similar destination.

But the journey will be different!

If you are not familiar with Push, you could possibly get a used Push 2 to see if it suits your workflow before taking the plunge with a Push 3.

I don’t think it’s as simple as that. On the spec sheet, maybe, but I have an OXI and much prefer that workflow over the Push. I had a push 1, only ever used it as a clip launcher. And I had a Push 3 standalone, sent it back.

I know this is not a great answer but IMO you need to try all these sequencers and see which one resonates with you the most.

Again, on paper this is probably true. But for me it’s all about the workflow and I find composing in Live with Push to be way less inspiring. Also, I don’t think the midi generation features of Live 12 are integrated into Push yet, please correct me if I’m wrong. But if so, that means you’re “improvising” with a mouse in hand. No thanks.

I do use Live 11 but only as a mixer and effects box for my hardware. So a LaunchControl XL, MIDI fighter twister, and Launchpad mini are my controllers.

…yes…but as i mentioned…it’s same same but different…

push is enterprise workflow…oxi is x wing workflow…

and peronally i’d say, if ur into producing, i’d go for enterprise style…
but that’s me, who switched back after years and years of hw only, using a computer just as a tape and mix machine, to all itb pretty much only…

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…and of course, clicking is never as sexy/insprirational as hw tactility…

but that’s what we got shortcuts for…if u know ur daw, as much as u must know ur hw, ur totally fine and get that klak klak zak zak workflow…
while those new midi options in ableton can’t be adressed via push directly…at least, as for now…but one prepared ableton doc, that adresses everything u want to involve in ur sonic cake/workflow, including push as the main controler, knowing some of the essential shortcuts of ur daw, will give u all the overall hw tactile bliss for a workflow that will make u happy for sure…


Do u integrate the Oxi with Ableton or just with your HW?


Both. I use one sequencer on OXI to drive an Ableton drum rack, and the other three sequencers are driving hardware. That’s one setup, but sometimes it’s all hardware. One nice feature of OXI One is the sequencer offset. Per sequencer, you can set the amount of offset in ms, so in the case of sequencing drum rack + hardware, I can easily sync them up and compensate for latency.

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