Abandoned Ware - Resample my junk

Well, the Fragments-Mission clearly showed that there are a lot of unfinished but interesting “leftovers” floating around. So I thought let’s build on this and take it one step further in an attempt to spark some creative interaction.


Provide an abandoned piece of your music you do not plan on developing further anymore, but somehow, for whatever reason, didn’t delete as well.

Others are then allowed to use that chunk to resample, enhance and distort it any way they like.

Mission Rules: Pick one, share one.

This is a two step process:

  1. Reinvigorate something posted here earlyier. Go nuts or keep it simple, your choice.

-File shouldn’t exceed 2:00 minutes playtime.
-This is not about finishing other members stuff but taking it somewhere else.
-Remember to “@” the original-poster!

  1. In the same comment provide an abandoned snippet from your junkyard, for others to play with. 1:00 minute max.

In both cases shorter is always fine!

Where does the first sample come from?

To solve this I’d say: The first three participants get a free shot to upload a leftover piece first and mangle someone elses stuff later.

Deadline: Sunday, March 19, 2023

Submissions entered on later dates are still welcome!
(Or we simply might repeat the programm if it is of any success.)


Hopefully a nice surprise where others take your old headaches.

Not a competition!

Just a fun challenge to sonically rethink what others have deemed incomplete.

The Theme

The longer your audio has been sitting “uncompleted” the more it should be shown here. If it’s going nowhere from the work in progress limbo, might as well shove it over here.

Kind Warning

Everybody is free to pick whatever snippet they want for further processing. Meanig there is a risk yours doesn’t get taken at all. If you’d rather avoid possible frustration over this, maybe the original Fragments-Mission is better suited for you.


Use this if you like.


I’m in!

Might not make the deadline, but I will try to post up a result.

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An improvisation with a electric piano patch that I made with Fors - Chiral.


From my Digitone to your sampler