I have the A4+OT+AR set-up and need to figure out how best to route MIDI using the physical MIDI connections and oldschool cables.
Okay, so my OT is set-up to be the center of the Trio. It is the Master, A4 is the first Slave, AR gets further slaved MIDI off A4’s Thru output. I believe I’m mostly concerned that I really get confused by how the individual MIDI menus and settings avoid conflicts. When you set channels for each track how do you avoid conflicts across the routing path? For instance, I had to turn-off Receive Notes on AR to stop the OT from sending notes to AR on a channel I set for a sample Track in OT.
A4 has 4 MIDI Tracks to set.
OT has 8 MIDI Tracks to set
AR has 12 MIDI Tracks to set = 24 tracks…
How do you set this up so that it will work best with OT as the Master and A4&ARs are slaves?
On my OT I have set-up this way to route audio as Thru on T1 & T5 for consolidated sections that are now provided by dedicated machines…
T1 A4 on Thru T5 AR on Thru
T2 Sample T6 Sample
T3 Sample T7 Sample
T4 Record Looper T8 Master
Tracks 1-6 send to T8 and out through the 1/2 Master output.
T4 sends the to the Cue outputs so that I can transition better using my Xone: DB4 mixer’s sample looper - to carry that loop without stopping the flow.