A4 inputs : Will signals become converted ,(A/D)?

I want to enrich a Mini Moog with the effects of the A4. Does anyone know if the whole input signal will be converted by the A4- AD section and then DA to the A4 ouput ?

I fear a loss of sound quality of the original Moog signal because then the sIgnal is double converted when it is recorded back into the DAW.

curious about your comments , thanks in advance

A4‘s FX are digital. So I think there will be an extra AD conversion.

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I do believe the dry signal stays true? The fx are send fx and not inserts. However, the A4’s DA would not be a total slouch if that’s the case, I haven’t noticed any degrading when feeding my TTSH through it.

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I’m fairly sure there’s an AD/DA whether FX are used on the external inputs or not

Edit : This is in fact incorrect

alright, good to know.

I’m positive the A4 FX is the only point there is a digital conversion. The dry signal stays in the analog domain (like most good gear).


Yep. Exactly.

When in doubt, see the manual:
“The signal path from the external inputs to the audio outputs is also fully analog. The digital send effects are parallel to the main audio path, and the wet signals from the digital send effects are mixed with the dry analog signal before the main output stage.”


wow, thats really good news, thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Thanks for tracking that down.