Heya guys,
I’m experiencing something weird and thought it may be a glitch. I don’t have a computer I can record to so I’ll describe it as best I can:
I have an arp sound on track 1 of A4, with OT providing drums.
As soon as I change a pattern on OT the sound of the A4 changes, just sounds like a rumble and breaks up. Keeps on like this until I reload the sound. Doesn’t matter which sound I use, it always happens. I’m only sending transport and clock to A4, no program or CC changes. Only happens when the arp is running, normal sounds aren’t affected
Using pattern D2 on A4 and J1-4 on OT
To recap:
Arp sound of track 1 of A4
Change pattern in OT
Sound changes to a low glitchy rumble.
Any thoughts? Thanks guys