A4 Feature Requests

:+1: :+1: :+1: very very good . Random sound generator is fundamental in all synthesizers !

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ide love a more fully fledged midi sequencer with control of maultiple external devices that would be amazing! and the midi seequincer and synth should both be polly!

+1 on the Arp p-locking. Fortunately I can achieve this with the OT but not everyone has an OT, plus sometimes it’s nice to just use the A4 on its own.

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:+1: :+1: :+1: very very good . Random sound generator is fundamental in all synthesizers ![/quote]
Yes…this would be nice.

someone already wrote (but i forgot to quote) something really usefull:

if we could see the played notes during the sequence, corresponding to the chosen track, that would be a killer feature for improvising.

also cool would be if the A4 could be linked to the crossfader movement of an OT, maybe to act like a master filter or dry/wet control

A BIG +1!
I also thought of that one. Just add external Midi-Drum Pads like the Korg Pad Kontrol and you’ve got something very close to a Tempest, maybe even better.

fwiw, there is a M4L randomizer for the A4 and I seriously doubt they will ever add one to the os

Transpose while previewing sounds.

A +Drive! To store/load more patterns and more than 128 sounds!



(but without adding money for it!)

A4 feature enhancements/fixes:

  1. Tapping the ‘Destination’ encoder in LFO and ENV menus toggles between the Destination and main menu - it currently only puts you in.

  2. Would like to see a working Transpose track with transpose trigs. Also, the button (‘Global’) only transposes up - it would be great to be able to hold while tapping to go down an octave.

  3. Gating on the Reverb as a menu option. You need it to make space in a 4 track mix with only 2 outputs from the A4, unless…

  4. Is it within the hardware’s capabilities for the CV or headphone outs can be used for separate audio outs? This would be amazing.

  5. Envelope follower option for the CV out from either the inputs or the internal tracks.

  6. Vocoder track option.

  7. Ext in controls Filter Cutoff.

Ring mod. + Lfo assignable to seq. parameters ( Seq. lenght , seq direction ,tempo …

… a frequency shifter effect would be cool too .

It would indeed be wonderful if cv outs a, b,c&d could be switsched to output dry audio of the individual synth tracks.

Different clock deviders for each synth track would add huge flexibility

Poly mode!

Hadn’t thought of that before, but would indeed be handy to open preset list when double tapping track button.

Mapping drums across mini keyboard

303 style glide!

LFO speed controlled by current pitch of oscillator, this way they can be used for FM for real.

[li]OT-like sequencer time-signatures[/li]
[li]digital waveforms (someone opend the A4 and found 2GB memory chip)[/li]

thats all :alien:

Ok this is a really weird idea I just had.
Upright before mentioned backwards pattern playing as in analog sequencers, this is a sort of development.
Imagine having P-locks that act as a marker that, when hit, reverse the playing direction.
It could work as a single hit, double,3,4,5, n repeats, up to INF, where we have endless looping. Then just laying a couple of them along the sequence could bring to interesting pattern variations
I have absolutely no idea if this is doable, but it could be serious fun.

yes… I also wanted to :+1:

Sine wave!

It would indeed be wonderful if cv outs a, b,c&d could be switsched to output dry audio of the individual synth tracks.

That would be absolutely fabulous to have. I remain baffled by Elektron’s decision to restrict the A4 to a stereo out instead of 4 out or even a 2 + 4 configuration. I would cheerfully have paid an extra $100 for the capability to send each voice to its own output…

If it is possible, I’d say this is an even higher priority than Poly mode (which can after all be faked easily by sequencing).

Different clock deviders for each synth track would add huge flexibility


303 style glide

True. Virtually everyone seems to agree the glide as implemented is No Good.

Could someone explain 303 glide vs a4 glide (I got neither)?