A4 Feature Requests

arps Parameters,
velocity, pitch bend, mod wheel, breth and after touch available to select in macros.

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C’mon, just dim the lights.
Plus: Envelope delay.


If they could somehow make the base oscillators sound better that would be amazing. My dream was for Elektron and Sequential to collaborate. A sequential synth engine with an Elektron sequencer would be the best but that won’t ever happen so better-sounding oscillators would be rad if that’s even possible. I love the A4 for drums and perky-sounding things but would love it if it covered other ground in the same warm way other synths do. The Pro 3 for instance, you just touch it with your fingertip and it sounds amazing. I want that on the A4. At least break us off a decent-sounding square wave pweez.

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Which version are you using? I have some tips for the mki to obtain a better square…

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I have the MKii but assume it would work the same. would love your in put

This forum is a vast pool of knowledge if you’re willing to use its search functionality. :wink:


PW can enhance somewhat, but I’m with you. Without it’s sequencer, I probably wouldn’t have it. But then again it is great value, and it does have a sequencer.

It’s good at what it can do, but I’ll definitely be getting a desktop poly at some point, which will probably cost me at least double the price of an A4mk1. Arturia did a collab with Noise engineering which I thought sounded great, like Typhoon with it’s effects from Sinevibes. There’s no shame in doing it like that.

Hmm, not sure because the “problem” on the mki largely relates to the ladder filter (filter 1).

On the mki I turn the res of filter 1 to 64 (I know, crazy) with the cutoff wide open. I then set the overdrive to 25. Next, I set filter 2 to lp2 wide open and res to 0. Finally, I lower the pulse width to about -8 (this is essential for a more typical square sound).

As the mkii has a different drive curve and because I’ve never used one I can’t vouch that any of this translates. On the mki I can get a pretty meaty square this way though (like surprisingly meaty)…


Just another request to please improve multi-map functionality on the a4. Being able to use it from the internal keyboard, and record the steps in grid/step mode, would be a gamechanger.

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Possible : use the keyboard in Multi Map edit page. Possible to record what you play in Live Recording mode.

Same result with Soundlocks, no ?

Yeah, this is all possible with sound locks. But I’m really interested in playing in sound locks with the keyboard. Like on the OT

As I said it is possible to play and record Soundpool sounds with the midi keyboard in Multi Map edit page.
[Transpose] + [up/down] to change octaves.

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:eyes: apparently I need to learn some multimap skills.

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I hear you, but that still doesn’t work in grid or step recording mode, like I mentioned in my first post. And there’s no quick way to get into the menu.

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Ah I see what you mean now. Possible with midi loopback ! (A track sending midi to itself, tested)

… and there’s no way to get into the menu quickly, so it’s hardly useable in its current stat, for my uses.

I think the Global menu will “remember” you were in the multimap editor … for as long as you don’t go anywhere else in the Global menu … so it will be there for you when you come back.

Yes, it is really nice that the AK has a dedicated Multi Map button… I tend to accidentally hit it with my arm though :rofl: …would be nice to have a shortcut on the A4…

…and yesterday I was fantasizing about Parameter Slides and Accents (and even Trig Mutes, I guess) being able to have conditionals… which is mentioned above, from a few years ago.


Hi. First post here at Elektronauts. I would like to request:

  1. The ability to send MIDI CC which would be amazing to record entire perfomances externally and the ability to control external gear through MIDI turning it into an insane brain.
  2. The ability to polychain with Analog Keys or another A4, that would make a couple of A4s a very powerful analog synthesis based standalone workstation.

Can we live record [QPER] knob tweaks? If not, can we have that please Elektron.

Hold down [Kit] + [Yes] = Reload Kit.