A4 Feature Requests

hah Don Buchla would be supportive in this case !


Personally I don’t see a big pro in getting Euclidian for A4. For me A4 has just few things that was not improved for a long time (about two years after the last update, right?) P-locks for Arp and/or retrigs for notes. Although I think that everybody will be using P-locks for Arp to get retrigs virtually and for other very interesting features!
The other thing is the restart for patterns in different tracks when you use polyrythmic patterns. For now it’s not complete and works not properly for several conditions (switching patterns on go as I remember, without hard restart).
These two moments IMHO are much more essential than Euclidian feature.

My "pink dream: :slight_smile:
Getting morphable wavetables would be super-cool if it’s possible. I think it MAY work but need some libs to be included and used properly in code. Probably A4 has some “spare” memory to load wavetables. For example, these could be set up instead of Noise. Noise is digital here so this is my argument.


This… Even if the wavetables are simple or without morphing or just 12bit importable waves with a bit of harshness … that would be amazing

Only god knows what the crew in Sweden is brewing in their kitchen

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Morphing itself doesn’t consume memory significantly. It has some buffer but it’s in the CPU memory (as I understand this). Actually a usual wave morphing works simple. Just divide two waves to many vertical columns. More columns - finer sound, less columns - faster for CPU. The simplest morphing is a “growth movement” of these corresponding columns.
AFAIK PPQ wave morphing works like this. Actually getting a bit “dirty” PPQ-like wavetables would be great! Because we have analog filters here which can make them sound nice or harsh.

Every 1 bit make a lot of processing speed difference. 12-bit can be processed very quickly as I think. It’s just a very little fracture of CPU power that is necessary to produce the Shimmer Reverb which we have here (maybe it’s a separate chip for send-FX, IDK).

Yeah, I am not talking about euclidian, but custom microtonal scales :grin:

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Got me thinking about using the arp designer to send notes out of CV and input them back in as a modulation source -> tiny wavetables. However, I don’t have a mk2 (req’d for CV input) and am trusting that CV/FX track arp notes send out over CV since they don’t send over MIDI.

I was just looking back at the release notes for Rytm update and its a pretty substantial one to be fair … so I would expect (along with 25th aniversary) something substantial for sure. let’s see!

Keytracking menu!

I just realised there isn’t one.
It would be handy for making sounds that work well across octaves. Often sounds become too loud or too quiet based on the pitch, it would be nice to be able to adjust this as the note changes. Currently there’s pitch bend, velocity tracking, aftertouch, breath control, mod wheel, but it would be super handy if I could pick a source for each of these maps (velocity, note, pitchbend, aftertouch, or CC of my choice) they’re kind of hard to use on the A4 itself since it doesn’t have any of those inputs. Keytracking is one input it does have so that would be quite handy.


I don’t understand what exactly you mean… But it would be really good if we could have non-linear tracking option for modulations. Or/and some boundary options: where you start to get a modulation and where it will has a highest depth. Thus we’ll have limited ranges for modulations.
I think it will be super-handy.
“What is it for?” Then it will be possible to implement subtle changes for vibratto (for example) without overkill values. AFAIK it’s not in that manner yet… Or maybe I’m wrong? :slight_smile:
Need to check this though.
P.S. it would be amazing to have more modulation slots for LFOs and Envelopes. Sometimes (not seldom) two isn’t enough.


i want an envelope follower as a modulation source! for the external inputs and also for the 4 tracks.


Wow, this would be amazing with the feedback osc!

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you could try to route one audio track back into the CV Input and therefore find some sweet spots for modulating different sources.

Amplify the Input Signal for variation 🫨

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Might work somehow but not what i want. You are suggesting using an audio signal as a mod source, but i want an envelope that is generated by an audio signal.

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Hmm… Do I miss something? Does A4 have an envelope follower? It can be a pretty CPU intensive feature (if talking about digital processing).

no, this is people making feature requests

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Fresh from AR 1.70 update … does anyone here have say, a top5 requested features for A4? I suspect the AR outsells the A4 and I do not expect such a bumper update - perhaps 1-2 new features and maybe a UX/config refresh to bring the A4 more in line with how the Digitone works with keyboard fold, voice allocation etc? Love to see such a top5 list if anyone has it top of mind

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  1. envelope follower
  2. make all arp-settings p-lockable
    from AR 1.70:
  3. scales / keyboard fold
  4. page loop
  5. slew lfos

Also modulatable note lengths would be cool.


Exactly this.
I recently got an A4 and I miss so much the keyboard fold with scales from Digitone !


man just the parameter page buttons lighting up white for where P-locks have edits on AR 1.70 would be amazing ha