I was wondering on doing this last day and realized it wasn’t possible.
After having my Performance mode crafted my way I’d like to be able to save the sound in its current “performed” state.
If we save the sound (when tweaked on Perf mode) it will save the original sound (that’s being tweaked) and its not saving the “tweakness” state.
We should be able to save a sound state according to the performance tweak. I think it would be another great option to achieve and save different sonic results.
Did I make myself clear on this?
What do you think?
Would facilitate building-up our own special tweaked programs and would be nice to have option of saving it within current Sound Pool and/or +Drive without having to do extra steps of copying/paste, possibly causing a bit of killjoy to creative flow.
Hi, it seems to me that kits save all the performance parameters
Theres not really any point in what your asking for,
since all the parameters in performance are tweakable in each sounds page…
yeah unless you discover a pretty good patch via the macros, and want it saved as-is, to be usable in other kits…
it would be quite a hassle to do it manually…
Of course all parameters are tweakable in performance mode! They’ll always be. What you’re doing in Performance mode is basically tweaking several sound parameters at the same time.
But lets say…you choose a sound and tweak it through your perfomance mode. You love the result btw. If you wish to save the sound in that CURRENT state it isn’t possible.
If you save the SOUND you will save it as if the whole Perf Knobs were turned to ZERO as it won’t save the performance parameters position.
If you wish to have that result back you have to use a paper and a pen to know the exact knob position to recreate that sound in first place.
Even if the sound parameter position is saved (which I don’t think so) it will change if you use the performance mode for another sound. This way if you want to return to the previous sound you enjoyed it will always have the last performance knob position.
It would be way simpler to be able to save the sound in the current perf mode tweakness, so, if you reloaded the sound and all perf mode knobs were set to ZERO it would sound like “tweaked”.
Hi Pedro, yeah i agree it makes sense to beable to this
Its just that if you set up the performance mode yourself, its quite a lot of work
and you obviously chose what parameters are going to be affected, so you would beable to choose these parameters on the individual tracks and change them to make them the same, it would be just as quick
For me Performance mode is as its intended, changing things on different tracks in real time in live or in live recording…
Somehow I can get interesting and pretty different results when tweaking the parameters (I previously chosed) in Performance Mode.
I know I can do it individually in the Sound options, although its not exactly the same thing (as tweaking matters in Perf Mode). You’re tweaking a whole bunch more of parameters at the same time, while in sound options you’re more focused on the page you’re working.
I am maybe lazy (yes I am) but I can get great “Happy Accidents” patches that I’d like to save as sound.
Just a simple Save Sound while you’re on Perf Mode would be extremely helpfull in my case. I’d really love to save some patches I’ve ran through my Performance Parameters.
Some of them I actually achieve accidently: with Lfo’s / Filter Reso / Pitch / Distortion. I would never tweak these 4 at the same time (for example)- I only have 2 hands!