Doesn’t seem possible to capture a performance on the A4 from a midi keyboard and record the pitch bend data on the sequencer. Have I missed something?
nah that’s correct… A4 patterns store record only velocity & note length info.
That’s a bummer. It would make the A4 more musical and also effectively allow the sequencer to store microtonal sequences.
if microtonal is your thing then you just need to plock some fine tune on the osc tuning, or any recordable modifier subtly mapped to tuning (velocity in sound setings) - you can do plenty with the voltage scaling on the cv outs for immediate microtonal fun with less hassle
remember, you only ever record 16 steps per bar, it’ll not be smooth without slides
it doesn’t record pitchbend because it’s not a recordable parameter, it’s not in any menu, it’s a performance modifier in the same way that aftertouch or modwheel is - the fact that it only changes pitch is a constraint based on convention ,so the only recordable way to change pitch is by manual tuning or via a recordable modifier
Thanks for your input, but the only way I can imagine tuning the A4 synth parts to a particular microtonal scale, would be if Elektron allowed the frequency in Hz to be displayed when key tracking is turned off.
FIN only has a resolution of 128 steps per semitone (100 cents), while pitch bend data has 40+ units per Cent…allowing accurate re-tuning to a desired frequency. Even then, I can’t imagine trying to program steps in 19 edo with a control representing values of -63 to +64
At least the OT can record pitch bend values…I will investigate the possibilities.
sounds interesting, if you’re prepared to do that via pitchbend which sounds like hard work, then you could maybe try using Env2 with shape 8 (instantly max, set the release to inf and len value high) - then you have the 14bit depth pot to assign to pitch (only coarse though) - you can then plock the depth to create fixed pitches which are intra-semitone, might not be accurate or what you’re after but at least it’s all within the AF - it’s given me some ideas !
[edit] - oh yes, i’m doing some glenn branca drones right now !
Good thing about the A4 is the many ways to bend it out of tune.
I’m using tuning software which loads tuning files and then calculates pitch bend values to re-tune monophonic synths.
The only problem is that you can’t take that with you out of the DAW environment when you go live. So if the sequencer allows recording of pitch bend values when notes are recorded via a midi keyboard in live recording mode…I could save microtonal sequences. That would be cool!
Hello !
I’m on a dilemn, it seem my analog four didn’t record on sequencer the picth bend from my keyboard… It’s a bit confusing for me ^^
Can you give me some help please guys ^^
I know I can achieve bending in other ways, but the sequencer interest can be in my opinion in the recording of bending…
Is it normal ?
Is an upgrade to come if it is ?
Thanks !
Not going to change, it’s a performance parameter and there are other ways to automate parameters