A4/Digitakt organization by musical keys


I am trying to devise a system of organization for a live set where each bank corresponds to one musical key. That would mean that if I am in a given bank, then I know unambigously what key I am in without checking track settings etc.
Obviously, that’s not possible, because there are 8 banks, and 12 keys (modulo major/minor relative keys, forgetting about more “exotic” ones). But I am curious if anyone was thinking before about a similar kind of organization schema and had some solution which subjectively made sense.
Anyone? :slight_smile:

I only play in Cm, with the mini keyboard. :content:

You can use CDEFGAB on the 8 banks, and the sharps on the 9-16 patterns.


Yess, exactly, that came to my mind before you wrote it. Telepathy!

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Since I never use major keys, I simply map each bank to the respective minor key (OK, aeolian mode). Have used this for years with the Octatrack driving other gear and don’t miss using the black keys either as 7 per project is fine. I use Bank H for percussive/keyless/experimental stuff and don’t use any higher banks. Works for me.


haha, me too