A warning about updating to Rytm OS 1.6.1

I had neglected to backup my Rytm. TBH, I’m not sure how I would have done this, but updating the OS erased all my data, e.g. patterns, songs, samples. I’m feeling kind of zen about the loss ATM, but really wish I had read more carefully what the consequences were to updating.

So, cautionary warning. Backup your Rytm before you update the firmware.

. breath . deeply .


Oh man, that sucks and sorry to hear this. I’ve cleared all the projects off a few times on other Elektron’s and it is a really nice feeling to just move on, better stuff will come! Obviously that was by choice, so not quiet the same. I’m actually thinking I might do it more often, make some projects, record, delete. Very cathartic.

Just to say, I didn’t have this problem. I used transfer and (edit) WITH big Sur and everything was still there. Strange you had this problem.

Ok, that IS very interesting. I’m sure this has nothing to do with Big Sur. I mean, all I did was transfer the .syx file to the machine. All of the behaviors I would have experience have everything to do with how Elektron handles the update. Are you on 1.6.1 ? or 1.6.0 ?

Went from 1.60b to 1.61. I’m just checking my Mac now…

Sorry, got that wrong. I did update this laptop apparently?!

Mac OS 11.2.3 (Big Sur)
Transfer v1.2.2.9
Rytm 1.6b to 1.61

Connected usb, opened transfer, dropped sys file on transfer

Oh, that’s interesting. Hmm, I even tried deleting my copy of Transfer and grabbing a brand new version. I wonder if there’s some kind of security protocol blocking access to the Rytm? can you remember answering any questions of doing anything special to provide access to Transfer to your hardware?

No, not that I remember. Was a simple install / update

Strange. I did the update just two days ago but on Windows (and with Transfer) and didn’t have anything cleared on update, everything still there afterwards.

Although “always doing backups” is always a good tip, especially right before any upgrades (especially firmware ones) because you never know :slight_smile: