A Show of Shows - Superbooth, SFF, NAMM - Spring 23

An hour and a quarter. UDO Super Gemini, Tip Top Audio ART, Norand Mono MKII, Dreadbox Telepathy, Erica Synth Steam Pipe, PWM Mantis, and a bunch of odds and ends in between.

Aha !!!Tiptop ART == Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. ( like the old UART ). Sort of a MIDI 2.0 for CV.

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That is what Octatrack MK3 will look like.


Well actually it is. The graphics on the outside are being reworked right now. They actually are.

Elektron has been advertising to hire programmers that code in Rust. The GR-MEGA is coded in Rust. ( The GR-1 was in C/C++. ) Starting the rumor right here, right now, that the OT3 is a Tasty Chips / Elektron product with a complete rewrite in Rust.

ADDED : Please don’t take the rumor part of this too seriously. Having a bit of fun



Kaona Skippy

Thank you! Ever since the Syntakt came out, we haven’t really been wildly speculating like we used to.

Octatrack mk3 it is!

naw g, megatrack, mkI.

actually I happen to have the spec sheet right here.


Most probably not new but… apparently not mentioned on Elektronauts either. I was triaging the stuff I had collected at the event (I like paper) and I found something I had forgotten to mention: Synthet, a vintage synthesizer card game. All the cards seem to be available on their website if you’re curious.

I didn’t see the card deck itself, just a basic brochure by Sinee somewhere:

The cards are in English, and you can find other retailers selling them by searching for “sinee synthet”.


Collecting vintage synths just got a whole lot cheaper. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m getting a pack. Great game for next Superbooth.


I think he won Superbooth.


I found it so funny that Tats just immediately began to process who he’d release the Cowbell, and didn’t seem to initially understand the meme part. I also love Bad Gear’s dedication to the TB-3 and the fact that he has that and one of my other favorites (Digitakt) in his portable setup only strengthens my belief that we’re meant to link up and become a super group.
Nick is such a legend.


GR MEGA and Poly Pulse are visually so outstanding to me, they look completely insane, like something that can’t exist. It’s awesome. I wonder if Poly Pulse shouldn’t get a bigger screen, though …


Ableton decided to skip all the shows !


Hmm, has it become the case where promoters of new gear will no longer speak to providing great customer support and/or warranty of three years etc. as a selling point. I see people just trying to impress and move gear as much as possible at these shows.

Just read this since you linked to it. What’s the downside of announcing a product that actually exists? I always loved that about Mutable Instrumenta, for instance.

It depends on what is your product marketing strategy (sorry for connecting three buzzwords, but if you are investing hundreds of thousands of [currency] your should have one unless you’re very rich or lucky).

One reason to announce things early is to be faster than the leaks, a factor to consider especially for innovative products and/or popular brands. You keep control of your marketing and you get a first wave of feedback that helps you fine tune next steps. If you are onto something, will start creating an expectation and some of you potential customers will start saving or waiting to buy similar products. If there is questions, criticism, bad press… you are ready to respond.

If you product is leaked (and it’s a real leak), then most likely than not you will start the public life of your leaked product with the wrong foot, and it will take a lot more work to regain control over your own story.

I don’t know whether this is a thing for music instruments, but in other industries you may need to file trademarks and patents, and apply for certifications, and the related public organizations you need to work with have public records. This is another reason to announce before someone posts a link to a boring document that makes people speculate, sometimes in very surreal ways. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply. I think of MI as having had a very clear design vision and not needing the feedback, and I don’t know about trademarks in Eurorack. It may be different for bigger companies/markets. That said, it seems like the trade show cycle forces a lot of makers’ hands—since they’ll have to wait some time to have another shot at the same free coverage.


There are two very very similar shows coming up, one in the US and the other in the UK, and i thought of doing another “Show of Shows” conglomerate type thing, but instead separated the threads.

I put the three graphics up, more or less as a period on this thread. I thought the idea was OK to put the three together, and the thread did flow OK, and continued for a while longer so that was alright. The jury is still out.

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