A Show of Shows - Superbooth, SFF, NAMM - Spring 23

Definitely interesting. Looking forward to seeing what it can become and have more details. Not totally convinced by the presentation but some interesting ideas for sure


This years booth appears to be hitting it out of the park wrt mind bending new gear. Brilliant.

So sad I wasn’t able to go.

And what a joke NAMM has become in comparison. Expectedly…


Even for high end audio NAMM is no more. It’s AES for that. Well I’m glad there’s two shows ripping into my wallet

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It is disappointing but not surprising. It is a prototype, unique and different, whereas there lots of new shinies at the show to distract. Hopefully Korg Berlin will keep working on the tech and release something new and interesting in the future.

The prototype reminds me of the instrument that Tats designed and built on his own, before he worked at Korg. Apparently he brought it to his interview…? Something along those lines. :slight_smile:


MAYER EMI Vibes Synthesizer

i think its a cut down and just the synth part of the MD900 workstation?


Agree but i really see potential for a fun groovebox. I like to have sequencing and sound design in separated place, plus the touch plate for morphing and live performance.
Also something different than a step sequencer at its core is cool

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I’d like to know more about the workflow, the routing options and if those 5 tracks or different patterns can talk to each other. The interface looks pretty cool.

Any news on the Alpha Base MK2?

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Are there no sound demos for that Korg acoustic synth yet? I’m not finding anything.

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Thanks, odd that there doesn’t seem to be any audio demos on YT yet.

It ( the phase5 ) is a proof of concept device, not really even a prototype.

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I was hoping Clavia will release Nord Lead 5 or A2 but nothing… :frowning:

I am simultaneously hoping Sequential does not reveal something new and also hoping that they do. One more day to go!


Andertons uploaded a video earlier(I posted it to this thread earlier today), but it seems they’re bringing people in groups to check it out now with no direct recording, so there’s very little audio except the video I previously linked & brief noisy room recording’s

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Yes totally agree with you. It seems like a very ambitious project that could be really good if they can pull it off. Really cool that they are trying to make something different and performance focused

Did anyone have a chat with 1010Music? I’m really surprised that they didn’t release mk2s of their boxes since they are sold out for months in Europe.


They are having problems getting chips. It has hit them particularly bad. Have been emailing about a Bitbox mk2 since January…

Tats demonstrates the prototype at the end of this video. There was one other video where he gave a better demonstration of it, somewhere upthread (couldn’t find it on YouTube strangely).

The Phase 5 is very similar in design to the Magnetic Resonator Piano. I always thought I’d need to learn how to build one myself to ever experience it, but Phase 5 is strikingly similar (in a great way).

If a small product like the prototype they’re showing becomes successful, I could see them scaling up the technology to a full sized (flagship tier) electro-acoustic instrument. There’s a lot of room for improvement over what was shown, such as harmonic sequencing or arpeggiation, envelopes for individual/groups of harmonics, or electromagnetic dampening of the tines. They could also build in hammers or switches to strike the tines.

This research really reminds me of the work Paul Vo was doing with his Vo Wand and the Vo-96 electromagnetic resonator for acoustic guitars. Unfortunately it appears he’s no longer pursuing product development with his research, but is hoping others will take up where he left off