A polished version of Merlin's OT guide here

Got a power outage so spending the full day reading this. Thank you both

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Just finished reading the guide. Thank you! It helps a lot with understanding the way it works and the intent/implications behind the design decisions. I particularly like the inline examples.

I would love to see this type of writing for the Digitone. (Since I recently added it to my collection. :slight_smile: )

It would also be nice to clarify a bit about connection and control between different machines.

Thank you for this.
You look nice.

I would love to see this type of writing for the Digitone. (Since I recently added it to my collection. :slight_smile: )
It would also be nice to clarify a bit about connection and control between different machines.

Thank you for this.
You look nice.

No problem ā€“ but I canā€™t take any credit for it. Merlin did all the hard work of writing it in the first place. :wink: Itā€™d be best to hit him up about any additions or revisions.

Iā€™d love to create more documentation about other the other synths I have (sadly no Digitone) but I just donā€™t have the time with a young family these days. Perhaps in the future.

Thank you very much. Great stuff.

bumping this up to say thanks! Havenā€™t had a chance to go through it yet, but Iā€™m looking forward to it!


Great reading Iā€™m having here. Great piece of information. I wish I had stumbled on this documentation earlier. After a month of thoroughly reading and testing the OT, I just recently found out that banks had each 4 parts ā€¦

(During the whole process I was constantly worried about the limitation that would have made impossible any decent adaptation of my tracks to the OT)

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thank you Merlin and Thermo. A new genre of re-edits.

Someone should turn this into a series of video tutorials. Many thanks for making what amounts to a more legible and user-friendly manual.


thanks a lot, this is going to help so much :slight_smile:

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Excellent manual. Thanks for the reformating, easy to read. Well, until it gets to mixing Parts and Scenes, then my brain gave up.

Thanks for all the work Merlin and Thermo.


Thanks for the all the work on this! I just pulled the trigger on a MkII, and am trying to do as much reading in advance as I can. This looks like a great addition to my reading list!


I found merlinā€™s guide a lot more helpful than the manual. The manual is good as a reference if you wanna double check what something means, but as far as reading it straight throughā€¦ Idk. Different strokes.


Great to know!

Hereā€™s my faaaavorite paragraph from the manual: Trigless trigs.

Happy learning :stuck_out_tongue:


ordered a printed copy of this edit of Merlinā€™s guide.
Definitely worth having!

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I was a little apprehensive before my purchase of the OT mkii due to itā€™s complexity.
However, after reading this fantastic guide, (not read the OT manual yet), my mind was put completely at ease.

Then :

Iā€™m a little concerned again now! :astonished: :laughing:

Another big thank you for this very informative guide!


Going through this and I have to say itā€™s filled a few gaps I had reading the OT manual.

Butā€¦Iā€™m wondering if there is a different approach between Mki and Mkii on pg 18 in Merlinā€™s Guide.

After creating a pattern as instructed on pg 17 (5 tracks)ā€¦it says to press [FUNC] +[PART], then [FUNC] + [EDIT]ā€¦and ā€œa menu appears which allows you to save the part.ā€

Iā€™m assuming there was no [PART] key on the Mki? Because on my Mkii I get to that menu with the [FUNC] + [PART] keys. Also I donā€™t see a [EDIT] key per say other than the ā€œPART EDITā€ 2ndary Func.

So far thatā€™s the only confusion I have so far.

I guess I WOULD like to know, what are the differences between Mki and Mkii so that I know when I should be aware something might be different in the way Merlinā€™s says things work. Thanks!

Yea itā€™s a bit of a misprint
FUNC + MIDI = ā€œPartā€

and then from there FUNC + BANK = ā€œEditā€

So try those two commands in succession, and you should get the Part Edit page.