A noob question about USB audio

If I connect a Model:Cycles to an iPhone via USB cable, can I use Bluetooth headphones to monitor the input while recording? Or does the Model:Cycles just become my default audio device and I have to monitor with the headphone jack?

No idea if the M:C works on iOS. But as a rule of thumb: don’t use Bluetooth for monitoring anything. Bluetooth audio has audible delays.


The M:C and M:S works on iPad/iPhone and the audio of the IPhone/Ipad is sent to the audio mixer of the Elektron box.
So you won’t hear anything using Bluetooth connected to the iPhone/IPad in this configuration. It will connect but the audio is already sent to the Elektron box.

You need to use a standard headphone with jack plugged on the Elektron.
The legacy stereo one with the TRS 6.35 or TRS 3.5 with a 6.35 adapter à Hifi one.
Using the « new » headphone which are TRRS ( the one used for phone ) won’t met expectations, you will hear the more audio but signal will be weak and low quality. The contact need to be the right one :slight_smile:

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