A humble request to keep new product threads separate/Craig’s beard

Arggggg up is down, hot is cold, I can’t take it anymore, make it stoppppp.

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At this point the thread should be “a humble request to grow Craig’s beard. Also don’t join topics?”


Mods should split this topic now.

Also we need a better photo of Craig‘s beard. Before/after. And a timelapse of the growth.


If we’re going full blown Craig’s beard posts… Should you accept the beard challenge, somewhere between were you are now and where I am now, the Bearded Fellowship will extend its hand. Information regarding times and days of meetings, along with the location of your local chapter will be delivered by one of our pledges.
Also, reach out if you are interested in our ‘scruffy pledge’ program to wake the beardless masses, applications are commonly filed while the beard growth process is still in its early stages.


Haha. Okay, I’ll bite. image
Edit: I don’t know why the pic is sideways. Sorry for any neck craning.