A chord Max for Live utility

I love the keyboard scale feature, especially with the fold option, but I was frustrated that the chord engine value weren’t impacted by it. So I made this small script utility to constrain the available chords for a given note inside a scale.
Syntakt Chords.amxd (96.7 KB)
And here is a simple demo :

If @Elektron wants to implement it, here it is https://github.com/faqteur/SyntaktChords. I set a MIT licence so… my gift to you!


This would be great to see it added natively. I hope @Elektron takes you up on the offer.

I’d use the chord engine more if it responded to the selected scale changes.


I’ll tag @Elektron one more time to complete my offer. I can also implement it for you, in Rust, in C or whatever language. I’m available in July to work remotely (from France).


Wonderful work! I hope Elektron take you up on this offer too.

Not so much for myself but wondering: would this work, with some modification, for Model:Cycles chord machines? Stretch goal: Digitone arp offsets aren’t constrained to chosen scale (last I checked!) - wonder if any of your work/learnings could contribute to a device that managed this too.

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True, which is a bit of a bummer. They do on the Octatrack midi tracks though so Elektron definitely knows how to do this :stuck_out_tongue:

@qlamerand I don’t have a Syntakt, but from what I can hear in your video, it seems a bit glitchy, like some notes are changed a short while after they already played.
This could happen because the CC out is spit out after the Note out. I’m far from an expert but it the [js] object may be the culprit as it’s famous to be slow and not suitable for real time operation.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great job, but just wanted to point out that possible technical caveat.
EDIT : seems ok to me… maybe the Syntakt itself reacts slowly ?

total bummer. DN arp would be amazing if it did adhere to scales.

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It is glitchy :slight_smile:, that’s why I want to implement it in firmware.
The cc is sent before the noteOn but I guess there is some smoothing applied when receiving it, introducing some latency. I could of course add a delay to the note, but it’s really not meant to be played live. Although I coded it in Max for Live :smiley:

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Maybe like this ? ModelCycles Chords.amxd (96.7 KB)
I changed the CC number to the correct one for Shape parameter on Model:Cycles. I don’t have one anymore but you can try.

Unfortunately, it can’t be controlled via CCs, but the preliminary work I did (also available on the respository) could be used for this topic as well

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They are no scales on Octatrack :slight_smile:

There’s a few more than none !

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Ha my bad. It’s been a long time I parted with mine.

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I don’t want to be impertinent, but I don’t see any mention of musical scale in the OT manual


There you go impertinent person :wink:

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Haha! Thanks :slight_smile:

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