2 bugs that are bugging me

Ok this isn’t a moan thread bugs and things that annoy you are par for the coutse I just wanna check if there are other work around I don’t know about.

The first issue is the way that thru machines continue to play when changing patten if the Thru is empty. I know you can put a trig on the first step to stop this but the way my pattern is laid out I can’t do this when switching from A03 to A02 ( I need a trigger at 32 and having one on the first best mutes the trigger too soon). Any other ways to stop this that I missed?

Second one is the crossfader controlling bbox pitch. It’s really irritating as it means I can’t use scenes in track in making because it screws with bbox. I know you can turn off audio to cc (I think that’s it right?) but doesn’t that stop me controlling my other devices?

I think I probably missed something simple with both these issues but the track I’m making has a lot going on and I don’t want to screw it up by fiddling about too much (ruined many tracks doing that).

Use a trigless trig to mute the track on any step. Or use a scene.

You want audio CCs off. Midi tracks control external devices even with the audio side CCs off.

Thanks for clearing up about the CC’s thats good news.
For some reason I thought it was essential for midi control.

Thanks for clearing up about the CC’s thats good news.
For some reason I thought it was essential for midi control.
Audio CCs can be essential depending on what setup you want your OT to be in with other gear, there are tremendious potential within these settings. And they can be totally different in each and every project!

You have both Audio CC In, as well as options regarding Audio CC Out (int, ext & int + ext).
They are all ones to be considered whenever you want any of i e the following:

[li]CC out from Audio tracks (i e recording them to a DAW).[/li]
[li]CC out from Audio tracks to control other gear at the same time (essentially making your OT and other gear being in a symbiotic setup). However, the options above gives you the possibility to decide if you want either one of them to be able to control the other one or not. Which means that if you want to your OT could be an “midi ctrl master” of the other gear while at the same time fiddling with the audio tracks (since it is the same knobs) but whenever you´re tweaking your other gear it won´t affect your OT audio tracks.[/li]

Besides that you also have the MIDI tracks of your OT…

what the … ! … eh … Audio CCs , erm … whaa … whassat ? #nocomprende


what the … ! … eh … Audio CCs , erm … whaa … whassat ? #nocomprende[/quote]
Hahaha… don´t worry Manuel (“si, no comprende… I´m from Barcelona”)!

The Audio Tracks got the options of letting the knobs transmitting CC if you want to. See page 41 in manual. Thus, you are i e able to record your knob tweaks into an DAW…


what the … ! … eh … Audio CCs , erm … whaa … whassat ? #nocomprende[/quote]

“audio CC” = CC generated from the audio tracks (instead of the MIDI tracks) qhen you move the knobs

of course they´re all MIDI…but the name doesn´t help

their sheer existence doesn’t help sometimes either.
I have a pretty nifty config where the OT’s midi out is connected to the A4 and then via midi thru to further machines. the OT and A4 are in their default configs in terms of midi channels and stuff. the other day i noticed whilst working on a track that changing pitch on the OT is messing with osc tuning on the A4. at first it was a scare that the A4 went bonkers…

back on topic:
@nedavine: there’s a parameter in pattern settings where you can make each track ‘start silent’. if i’m not mistaken, that should sort your problem.

Ah, I CC, i’ll be switching that off right away ! #siberianhamster

i think the inability to pitch your sample inversely & directly to tempo should be thought of as a missing feature bug ! #notallmakingdancemusic

their sheer existence doesn’t help sometimes either.
I have a pretty nifty config where the OT’s midi out is connected to the A4 and then via midi thru to further machines. the OT and A4 are in their default configs in terms of midi channels and stuff. the other day i noticed whilst working on a track that changing pitch on the OT is messing with osc tuning on the A4. at first it was a scare that the A4 went bonkers…

back on topic:
@nedavine: there’s a parameter in pattern settings where you can make each track ‘start silent’. if i’m not mistaken, that should sort your problem.[/quote]
Yeah, I once had something similar with my guitar (connected to a midi converter transmitting NNs) when it got connected to my OT. This was really early days of owning my OT.

Didn´t think of it at all prior to connecting them, but got quite shocked when suddenly seeing all kinds of LEDs everywhere on the OT going ON/OFF all the time as it would have got it own life (because of incoming midi notes). My plan were that I just would go play guitar and get it sampled to a flex track. Needless to say, all parameter settings in ALL tracks went far beyond any chance of being rescued… (and of course I hadn´t saved anything).

their sheer existence doesn’t help sometimes either.
I have a pretty nifty config where the OT’s midi out is connected to the A4 and then via midi thru to further machines. the OT and A4 are in their default configs in terms of midi channels and stuff. the other day i noticed whilst working on a track that changing pitch on the OT is messing with osc tuning on the A4. at first it was a scare that the A4 went bonkers…

back on topic:
@nedavine: there’s a parameter in pattern settings where you can make each track ‘start silent’. if i’m not mistaken, that should sort your problem.[/quote]
same here…
I remember having to deal with this very issue when configuring my initial A4/OT rig and I was scratching my head for a while until I found a working configuration
offtopic: I remember I accidentally found the MnM´s midi out to work as a thru, leaving midi clock to pass thru but then I changed my rig and never tried it again, so maybe it isn`t true

their sheer existence doesn’t help sometimes either.
I have a pretty nifty config where the OT’s midi out is connected to the A4 and then via midi thru to further machines. the OT and A4 are in their default configs in terms of midi channels and stuff. the other day i noticed whilst working on a track that changing pitch on the OT is messing with osc tuning on the A4. at first it was a scare that the A4 went bonkers…

back on topic:
@nedavine: there’s a parameter in pattern settings where you can make each track ‘start silent’. if i’m not mistaken, that should sort your problem.[/quote]
Sorry only just noticed all these lovely replies. Regarding starts silent, there is a bug if you switch scene with the pattern and it cases a horrible noise. Also when I go from pattern A03 I jump to a pattern chain of A02 and A01 with a sample that runs at four bars offset between the two, so in this instance it’s a no go.


Did you find the noise cause? It comes from the FX? The sample?

Also, is this what you are describing?

For track 4 only.
Pattern - Bar - Machine type - Status

a3, 1, T, on
, 2, T, on
, 3, T, on
, 4, T, on

a1, 1, T, off (you want the Thru machine stops letting passing audio here?)
2, T, off
3, S, sample start (a 4 bar sample with 2 bar offset)
4, S, …

a2, 1, S, …
2, S, sample end
3, S, sample start
4, S, …

a1, 1, S, …
2, S, sample end
3, S, sample start
4, S, …

It simply happens when you switch to a pattern where the track having to StartSilent was previously a Thru.
It has been confirmed by HQ and it’s being under management