1000 sound pack for Digitakt?

I have it and I use it all the time. The single cycle bass are incredible.

Xr[quote=ā€œimmi, post:17, topic:87009, full:trueā€]
Using this pack Iā€™ve realised that sounds from your sound pool are not affected by CTRL-ALL when you lock them in.

What about those issues ?
Actually, those are the reasons why I didnā€™t get the sample packs

looks promising, def gonna try it

Just downloaded and installed Electroniā€™s 1000 sound sound pack for Digitakt. Using with 1.20 firmware (latest update June 2020). Lots of instantly usable sounds. Enjoying the kicks and lo-fi pack in particular.

The Digitakt is new to me, but I believe I am able to use Ctrl-All (TRACK + parameter change) without a problem. Maybe this is because of the firmware update?

So I bought downloaded and uploaded the sound, and loaded the sys.ex for each of the grouping. What I find out though is when I try to choose one of the sound, I can preview it okay, but then when I play the sound itā€™s not the right one. It happen probably 50% of the time, that a sound is not what it was supposed to beā€¦ I am not sure why this is happening. Do I need a sample to be loaded in a project to work with a sound with all its preset?

Yes. You need to load the sound and it will pull the correct sample into your project. Electronisounds has a great video showing this in a lot of detail, I found it very helpful.

But if my project sound bank is full then it can create errors? Yes I went trough the whole tutorial online, but I think my project sample slots are full ā€¦

Oh yeah of course if your sound pool is full or youā€™ve used all your sample slots then youā€™ll have trouble. :-).

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Yep you have to free some slot in your pool. 1 sound = 1 sample = 1 slot in the pool.

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Heheh yeah I guess still learning. Iā€™ve bought and installed the pack and it really adds to the power of the DT, feel like a whole new machine!

I would just love to get my hands on some drone as this pack doesnā€™t have any drone in it.