1 Track, multiple sounds on different Trigs? (Noob)

I’ve had my A4 for about two weeks now, and I’m starting to get my head around it. What I haven’t gotten a handle on is how you can have multiple sounds in the same Track, as long as they play on different Trigs. I think it has something to do with banks, but it seems that when I change banks, that affects the entire track.

Yes Hold down the trig and turn the level knob to select. it is not any sound just ones in the project that were are have been selected from the pool. or made in the project.

With OS 1.1 (I seem to remember it being done slightly differently with earlier OS) you pick sounds from your Audio Pool to drop on trigs of your choosing. So the first step is to put some sounds you want to use in your Audio Pool. With the record light lit a steady red you can place your sounds on trigs by holding a trig button down and turning the Level knob to select your sound (this trig-hold-knob-turn combo brings up a screen to your Audio Pool). Let go of the trig and the sound will be applied.

This tool is priceless with percussive sounds. Enjoy!

oops, I’m a slow typer. Yes, what dimi3 said.

One correction is the sound pool is where you can draw sounds from. While it is the +drive that you can not access…

it is considerably easier to realtime record sound locks by playing the mini keyboard whilst twiddling the knob in browser mode (pool) :slight_smile: