1.30 Mega thread

This update made the machine sound fantastic! Great work Elektron! “Goa gubbar hela vägen!”

I have also encountered the pattern change problems.

All I miss now is the CTRL-ALL/8 machine …or even more: FUNC+[param]
(and of course: resampling :wink: )

there are quite a few machines where the core osc is default-0 tuned to a C for easy chromatic playing - but please note - the osc tuning is in quarter tones, so you need +24 to gain an octave - really ballsy as a bass synth with those wave shapes

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Loving the new sounds!


Since the update I’ve got a weird problem: CY11 has become completely unresponsive. With this track selected, changing the parameters does not alter the sound at all, it’s like it’s completely locked. When I enter the Sound Browser and select a new sound, the track becomes completely silent. This is happening on all kits!

What’s going on? Anyone have an idea?

How long are we talking for Calibration? I’ve never done it before and the manual just says can take quite a while, anyone know roughly how many hours?

After a night at the studio, i think all of the new machines are dope and the OS is stable.
So i will play a 2h set using only OT&AR tonight at a EP release party, after having defected to using OT and mother32 and electribe2 some time ago.

Today some friends and I are releasing 3 techy collabs on Unalike music, 90% of the sounds on the original versions (not the remix) were made using the Rytm analog machines (before 1.30), check here:


Calibration itself only took about 5 minutes on my AR (after 2 hour warm up)


Select a track.

Tap the Synth button twice - Available engines for that track/voice can be selected from this page.

I’m really liking the Metallic Hats. My favourite new synthesis model has to be the Metallic Cowbell, it’s a great synth tone!

Anyone knows if the update helped with the pitch tracking on the old synthesis models

Perfect for detuning!! [/quote]
Yessir! Two AR’s synced together. VoX samples are from a demo we recorded last year.
Thanks for listening everyone! :slight_smile:

Spelled Overbridge wrong. Vintage me. Heres a working link. Sorry for all the spam.

See if Syn is off in the trig settings. Something similar happend to me.

They don’t tend to update things like that unless they’re clearly a bug - so for anyone who’s tweaked a pattern to perfection it’s not suddenly going to change because they’ve tidied up something
it’s clear that there was a mindset to make these machines play nicely in that regard, perhaps this potential was overlooked first time around and the focus was purely on percussive drum sounds

Great, very pleased with the new machines. Any chance you address the retrig quantize function any time soon?

Speaking as a Tempest owner, I am soooo jealous right now. 12 new machines?! Now this is how you support a product. They never advertised that it would have all of these features and certainly were in no way obligated to push the development this far, but they did. Well done, Elektron.

Scheming of ways to get my hands on a Rytm again as we speak. I can only imagine how psyched all you Rytm owner are right now. :slight_smile:

This. +1 :smiley:

Yes it’s so rare, company who take care about their machines that much with nice features at the releasing and offer some present as addons features !
From my point of view i’ve already reserve the next upcoming machine, instabuy if it’s cool machine on the paper… and good addition to my setup ! now i really trust Elektron with all that and the 3 years warranty ! very FAR FAR the other company in my point of view

no worries;)

Awesome. Time to see how much dust has collected on my Rytm, and see if I can find which crevice I stuck it in for the last few months.