fwiw - New OS is out !
omg wavetables!
wavetables? A4? Where?
I see no wavetables.
List of changes from OS 1.1B to 1.1C
Empty patterns (i.e. patterns without any trigs) would preserve their swing and scale settings, which could lead to unexpected results when moving back into a pattern that was indicated empty. Now, when leaving an empty pattern, it will therefore be fully cleared, with swing and scale settings reset to default.
Bug Fixes
The new Arp Mode POLY was not remembered after reboot or when saving projects. Fixed.
The “Live Rec on Trk Ch” option would only allow notes and MIDI NRPN parameter changes to be recorded, not MIDI CC parameter changes. Fixed.
Renaming the active project in PROJECT MANAGER would rename only the +DRIVE version of the project, not the RAM version (potentially causing the project to revert to its original name if saved again). Fixed.
Are you on v1.2 already?
In order to get the wavetables working you have to press
Fn + Play + Sound whilst in the developer mode !
then plug in your Blofeld into the External inputs
…curios about the newly implemented features although no p-lockable arp yet mmm
You sir, are an evil sadist. spitting before your feet
Yeah! you made my adrenalin rush slightly when I read that. F**ker
You sir, are an evil sadist. spitting before your feet[/quote]
Just for that…I shall run my Waldorf Microwave XT through A4 external input and give her an infusion of wavetables and give wavetable madness injection of analog filter and sweet reverb.
could somebody please explain in plain English what’s with the whole kerfuffle with the wavetables? specifically: how their existence or a lack thereof will affect my otherwise healthy relationship with my A4?
@twardowski: How should anyone know anything about your relationship with your A4? It’s a question you can only answer for yourself. Make a websearch on Wavetables, PPG, Prophet VS, Waldorf. Listen to some soundsamples and then decide for yourself if it would affect your juicy man-gear relationship in any way.
As for myself I’m not in need of wavetables in the A4 as I got that covered with other gear. It would be a nice addition though. But besides that the reactions here come from being “trolled” by Void as he suggested the update included more than bugfixes. Of course everyone should know better as the “c” appendix in the version-number usually and always suggests revisions and bugfixes of a certain featureset defined by the numerical part of the version itself. Okeley dokely?
nothing has changed that in any way should change your relationship with your A4, nor is it likely to, some took the bait, but most found it humorous wrt spec-teasing & the whole internet rumours malarky ! a dull thread was given a bit of zest #nothingmoretoit
i suspect wavetable will be on the new machine
Does anyone know how to unlock M.Bison as a playable character?
yes, you have to name a sound IDDKD and save it to Sound Pool Slot 129.
M. Bison will then appear when you format the +Drive.
I had to ask G about M.Bison because I come from the past when Pong was king.
@sicijk. I guess you’re meaning those wave tables which aren’t proper wavetables !? #DucksForCover #WolfgangPalm #DoesItScan