What are you using for a desktop stand with your Analog Keys?

I’m using my analog keys on a desktop behind another synth right now and am trying to figure out a good stand that has some slight tilt (reading the LCD screen flat means a lot of bending over all the time) and maybe a three or four inch lift (I have it sitting on the foam box padding right now which is less than ideal).

I’ve seen a few setups with stands like this, but no names or links.


I use an IKEA Brada (http://m.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/art/60150176/).

That’s nice but doesn’t quite have enough lift to it. :cactus:

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a few auralex U-Boats to bring up the rear for an improved viewing angle.

Discussed for other Elektrons here: "U-boats" as cheap risers

Stack many for more “lift”