Transport settings missing?

so, i’m looking at the manual and it states on page 54/55 that “TRANSPORT RECEIVE will when active, make Digitakt respond to system real time messages like
play, stop, continue and song position pointer.”

but, when looking at my DT’s settings, there’s not transport receive/send option. just


any idea if i’m just crazy or if this option will be available in the a future OS update?

a search may have revealed this is a known thing

see this comment e.g.

it looks like this functionality was merged in a recent os for some reason and the manual you have may not be up to date (check the site it gets updated frequently )

pardon me for not searching.

i wonder why transport settings were merged under clock settings?

so i suppose that if you’re receiving clock then you’re receiving transport.

thanks for the clarification @avantronica

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I was wondering if anyone has been able to divide clock and transport somehow?

yeah, with a multiclock :-/

Hi there!
I’ve just notice there is no transport in sync menu, any idea how its possible? :slight_smile:

I posted about this today, and apparently, it’s now part of clock send/receive.

and it’s discussed in earlier DT threads I’m sure, perhaps even with an official reply on the subject, maybe someone knows

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TRANSPORT RECEIVE will when active, make Digitakt respond to system real time messages like
play, stop, continue and song position pointer.
TRANSPORT SEND will, when active, make Digitakt send out system real time messages like play,
stop, continue and song position pointer.

my digitakt seems to not have that copy pasted from manual …

before the mods show me a link to a thread : I am not reading 799 posts …rather start a new thread

What are you asking?

You don’t need to read hundreds of posts, you just need to use the (very good) search function. If you search for “Digitakt transport”,
the top result gives you the answer to your question, quicker than typing in a new topic.

Please don’t clog the forum with unnecessary new topics when the answers can easily be searched for.

You should also download the latest version of the manual from Elektron’s website.