Track volume muting

Hello all,

I’m looking for a way to manually mute / unmute the volume of a specific track in a live context, without sequencer automation. But let me explain a little bit further !

I am currently working on a live setup using only my Rytm playing back prepared samples on 3 analog voices and use the 5 voices left to sequence Rytm’s internal machines.

For the first song i would like to work on a single pattern lasting 4 bars. I would like to keep my samples (witch last exactly 4 bars) looping along with the sequencer placing a single trig at the beginning and mute and un mute the voices on the fly to arrange the song.
For some reason it seems the mute un-mute functionality in the mute page doesn’t actually mute the volume but only the trigs…For example when i mute a pad this way in the mute page as a long sample is playing, the track volume is not muting until the sample reaches its end.

I know that FUNCTION+VOLUME knobs on the amp page or the sample page can jump between 0 -100 and 127 but this is not ideal in a live context (need to select the track at a time, volume scale isn’t adjustable, you can accidentally jump between 100 and 127…)

Help would be appreciated, thanks a lot !!!

Thinking i could use scenes for that purpose…but I intend to use them also for FX on this song.
Any other ideas?

thanks :slight_smile:

Individual Track volume CCs using a controller midi app on a smart phone hooked up to the USB port ?

Make a copy of the specific pattern to the next slot and mute the sample
You can make that pattern 1 tot 4 bars long
If that’s not flexible enough then just del the sample track from that pattern
And trigger ik manually via the pad

Somebody here placed a trig on every step and modulated the sample start position via an LFO. It was meant to time stretch a sample, I think but this should also work out for you.
You might also do the work by hand and just put the trig on every 4th step, for example, if this would be sufficient.

Thanks for your answer!

For now my setup consists of an ipad running STROM + AR, so i will try this.
Will check if STROM can do this, or i will try to find an other app, but not sure if i can connect 2 apps to the rytm at the same time…
But if I use the ipad for this purpose I will need to set up a big fat Mute switch per track because i’m not so confident with the ipad touch screen…for faders it’s not that great for example.

Even if it’s not exactly as easy as i would like to, i will definitly try this beacause it seems like it’s a crazy funky trick!!!
But there is a problem for me i think with the sample start setting…it has 120 positions wich is not a *16 (trigs per seq page) multiplier :disappointed: sigh!

Hello Raphie,
I cannot trigger the pad mannually because i would need live quantisation to the grid wich is not an AR feature i think (the sample has rytmic content), and i would also need to modulate the sample start or slice it if i want to unmute a specific portion, which is too complicated for my purpose.

not sure to understand what you mean, sorry.

Here i found the threat, i meant:

It could be a problem, that the sample-end also needs to be adjusted… Otherwise the sample would be to long.
Wait: you could use the amplifier decay for that!

Perhaps you could also try to set the volume to 0 and then place trigless-locks on every step to set the volume high again. When you mute the track the locks won’t be active…

Not 100% sure, but I think the AR supports Live Quantize (press Function + 2X Play to activate, if I remember well)

Sorry, it’s [RECORD] + 2X [PLAY]

Hello Omar,

Live Quantize Function + 2X Play corrects the micro timing of the recorded note. it doesn’t allign or synchronizes the initial press of the pad to the sequencer grid (pad press out of time --> sound out of time but trig correctly quantized to the grid). As I’m writing i realize the Q.start parameter in the Retrig mode probably does the trick.

But still, I only want to esealy mute and unmute a voice at different locations of sample, if possible without sequencer automation, with this method i would need to slice my simple wich is complicated…

i think like @avantronica suggested, external CCs would be the best option form me…

maybe 2 patterns with a single trigger at the beginnig…pattern 1 steps all plocked to volume 0, pattern 2 steps with full volume locks to 127. Then pattern swiching with pattern “direct change” option activated.

not sure if it would work nicely…i will give it a try, thanks!


@Kreis just tried the trick mentionned above, it just works!

@avantronica I checked some ipad apps, if think i will pull the trigger on Touch osc or Liine Lemur, both seem higly customisable and largely fullfilling my current specs!
But…I already want to try to define faders or buttons that control multiples CC’s at the same time (corresponding to Rytm filters, amp env parameters, osc pitches!!!) that would be awwwsome :yum:
so i think I will try Lemur, it’s seems very deep and at the end it seems relatively cheap for what it does (considering i already have an ipad…)

Thanks again guys

Touchosc is fast, cheap and good. Only downside is you need an editor outside the iPad to make your pages. Uploading to the pad is easy though. I love this app.

Lemur is currently on sale. It’s much more sophisticated but I found that I use touch way more because it’s so lightweight.

Could you set the track volume under a scene? Or the synth and sample volume? I’ll go check this out myself, I’m curious.

Lemur is definitely the best app - but you need to be prepared to script and learn, it’s the deepest for sure, it offers a lot, but the price for all that customization is time, there are other midi apps, but few would allow you to make very bespoke interfaces and it’ll work both ways (though it won’t unpack a sysex dump to get a current state)

Hello sorry to ask ( i’m sure that workarounds are discussed somwhere), but you mean Lemur will be able to follow the Rytm messages and reflect the modifications made on the hardware, but there is no way to get a current state when i load a project on the Rytm for example?

That was the message - doable in other platforms/apps, but on Lemur, there are constraints and one is the size of the sysex buffer which is way smaller than an AR dump - so even before contemplating the challenge of parsing it using Lemur, it’s off limits.
But you can follow level changes bi-directionally or force level changes by sending a snapshot from Lemur etc