The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Ability to send/receive pitch bend and mod wheel.

DT is the sequencing/sync hub of my setup. Just got a Keystep which is plugged into the Midi IN on the DT, which allows me to play in sequences on my JP08, Boog, A4 etc on an actual keyboard.

Not being able to use the pitch bend/mod wheel is a total buzzkill for playing parts live and eliminates much of the fun of having a master keyboard.

Haven’t tested this same idea with velocity and aftertouch. Anyone know if these can be sent/received to and from the DT?

Fingers crossed it’s addressed in the next update. :crossed_fingers:t3::pray:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:


I’m afraid the Digitakt only receives the midi note data and velocity on the midi tracks… I really hope this will be added (or more like “fixed”).
Also being able to change the note(s) of a trig directly by playing on the keyboard when holding the trig would improve the midi tracks workflow a lot.

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Inspired by this thread maybe: “Locking” All the trigs of a track? ? :wink:
I think the easiest way to do it would be to have a switch on the TRIG page (there are two free slots), so you can easily jump from “normal” mode (the way DT currently works) to “locked” mode (all parameters of all trigs are p-locked by default).

Changing notes via keyboard would be great!

I was excited to start using velocity and aftertouch to get more expression out of my A4, but being able play each synth from one master keyboard is currently more valuable…

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Its possible to use a single shot of the exp lfo set to modulate sample pitch. Then with the lfo speed you adjust the time to taste. Works…

Tape effect on the master outs for stutter effects, loops, etc.


thank for a quick tip, that’s what I did first, but forgot to switch LFO trig on :frowning:

Nope - but I’m not surprised others have had the same idea; I think I’ve even mentioned it before in the forum (possibly even in this thread). I hope the idea gets some attention because it really would be a game changing improvement and I can’t imagine it being all that hard to implement.

I like your idea of simply being able to switch between two plock modes - I know which mode I’d leave my DT in :smiley:

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Sure this one has been asked for before in this thread but I’m really hoping for MIDI “Sounds”. I want the ability to save, name and recall the state of a MIDI track’s parameters (channel, PG change, CC assignments…) without resorting to templates and copy/paste.

Could add a way to switch between Audio and MIDI sounds in the Sound Browser via the left menu but probably cleaner: when opening the Sound Browser, if the current track is a MIDI track, the DT would show a list MIDI sounds.


On that note… Would be amazing if we could name the CCs on a MIDI track to match what the CC is actually mapped to on the target device. “Wait, what was cc52 mapped to again?” vs “This knob controls Fltr Freq.” Probably never gonna happen but a fella can dream. And really only useful if we can save MIDI Sounds because who wants to type all that junk for a one off.

Short of that, it would be sporting if the CC value page (FLTR) showed the assigned CCs numbers below the controls instead of “VALX”. I know it’s a value! Knowing what that value is controlling would be much more useful on this screen (even if it was just a CC number vs a custom name). Think it would have to be a hash (#1-#127) since “CC111” is too many characters and a number alone might be mistaken as the current value.

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Feature removal request

This is a little tongue in cheek but also deadly serious… I’d like to see the removal of the silly horizontal lines either side of the level indicators. They make the interface look cluttered and ugly and they really don’t help my ears at all. When I first saw them I actually thought they were “noise wiggles” like you’d draw in a cartoon to indicate sound (I’m serious) either way they’re redundant and they look like trash.

Also the completely different typeface used on the reverb screen (indicating pre/post comp) should be expunged. Please just use the same typface that you used for all the other parameters (put a thin box around it if necessary) it looks seriously gross as is.

This was your first official warning from the aesthetic snob police :3lektron:; you’ve been warned!


On a separate note I’d like to be able to shift the position of all tracks in a pattern in the same way that we can currently shift the trigs within a single track by holding FUNC and using the arrow keys.

I would suggest that holding PTN plus the use of arrow keys might(?) be a good choice for shifting the entire pattern.

It would be an almost useless feature for live use but, sometimes when I’m just jamming out a pattern, I completely change my mind on where I want beat one to be. Having to shift all tracks individually is a real pain when that happens.

There’s a workaround for that conditional retrig that you’re probably aware of, but if not (and also for the benefit of anyone reading this who may not be) You could do the following:

  • Lay down the desired “roll” trig

  • Change the probability of the roll trig to whatever you want; let’s say 33%

  • Enter another trig in the following step

  • Microtime the second trig all the way left

  • Set the second trig probability to PRE (with a line above it) That will cause the second trig to play whenever the roll does not.

It sounds complicated, but it’s a pretty swift procedure once you’ve done it a few times.


Unless I’ve misunderstood what you’re asking for, that is already possible. Just set the “Direct” mode to external LR and enable monitoring. It won’t allow you to route it through the FX and it also mysteriously bypasses the MBC but it’s still really handy if you’ve got a minimal setup and want to avoid using a mixer.

Out of interest, what would be the benefit of slices? I’m maybe misunderstanding because the only time I’ve come across that sort of thing is with rex / recycle which seems like a totally different sampling paradigm.

microtiming updating: more intuitive,more possibilities
And scale mesure per track please

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Doesn’t this slightly affect the timing of that step, when the conditional trig plays? As I understand it (and in my limited testing) you can’t microtime it all the way back to the last step, there’s a slight offset. Not noticeable with attacky sounds but I reckon you could notice on a 1/16 hi hat or something.

Would one alternative if timing was important be to place the conditional roll trig on the step after the original trig, microtime it back to where the first repeat of the roll should be (e.g. 1/64 after the previous step - not sure how you’d calculate this offset) and subtract e.g. 1/64 of the desired length off the roll? Sounds quite painful to do compared to your way though :slight_smile:

I’m terrible at arithmetic so that sounds nightmarish, but you’re right. Your method would allow for the timing to remain absolutely tight.

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Slices would let you play back a bunch of different drum sounds that choke on one track live… I think an alternative to chromatic mode that let you just load in different soundpool sounds on the chromatic pads would be a better solution though, slice mode while neat wouldn’t be quite as flexible as something like that.


See slicing I never really understood as a request only because you can already do different sample start points per step on a track. That’s how I chopped drum breaks and samples on DT. Unless you mean always having it cut to grid amounts like Ableton/Maschine, i.e cut into quarter, eigth, sixteenth notes etc. That would be handy but I’ve always preferred setting slices/startpoints by hand for accuracy.


This tip is so cool.
Imagine the possibility that the DT can make it per track. . . . . .


Today scale per track is on TR8S!!!
(and she can play very long sample !)
( good evolution of the tr8 !)

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