Tales of Upgrades & Gear Lust

With the release of the MK II’s, the latest in my battle with gear lust has kicked in.

Similar situations:

Yamaha MoX6: Bought mine and less than a year later the MoXF6 came out. New features were an improved “engine” and sample features.

Line 6 X3Live. I’ve loved this puppy since 2007 maybe? Since then they’ve had POD HD, HDX, Helix and Firehawk. A huge reason I never upgraded is because none of them included guitar, bass, and vocal preamps as the X3Live does.

Roland VS880ex. I upgraded to a VS2000cd a few years ago, but I am still very deep into my 880ex songs at 48K, and unfortunately the VS2000cd only does 44K and less! Also the consideration of switching from Roland hard disc to pc recording. I have a learning disorder, and it took me several years to become sharp on my VS880ex. It’s just not worth the time, stress, etc. to change, plus I still like that I am doing things in a very similar fashion to the ways they were recorded in the 60’s, 70’s, etc. I know many people don’t agree, but it works best for me.

It’s taken 1-2 years for my Rytm to break me in, and while the MK II sampling would be cool, I primarily use my AR to play one shot drum samples triggered by Yamaha e-kit, so it’s just not called for. Plus, one day I may go for the Pearl Mimic, but $2k is beyond the budget, and it would need to blow away my AR before I’d consider it.

I really have all I need, I just need to tame my little ego’s pride that wants the latest and greatest of my chosen gear.

Hope to hear YOUR stories!!

Peace & Blessings!!


I was all over the place, upgrading, downgrading, ITB, OTB.

Until I bought a MPC Live and a couple foot pedals. Seriously, all I need.



I have read a few reviews on the MPC Live.

What do you do with your MPC?

What do you like about it more than AR?

I still use my AR, DT and A4. I sequence them from the Live. Or sample them into the Live. Depends on the mood

The Live is a more linear way of working. Helps me stay organized. I also appreciate the fact I can build long sequences then layer in (or take out) what I need to. Plus, I’m not limited by track counts. Large waveforms are nice to.

Plus the MPC has a very real and distinct swing at 50%. Real or perceived, I feel it for sure.

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I’d like to hear from some Elektronauts that have upgraded to MK II, or other thoughts on reasons to stick with MK I.

Happy Tuesday :smile:

I say upgrade if you can afford it, I mean why not? Its an upgrade after all.


There not out in the wild yet, anything said right now is based on advertised specs and forum discussions, but no one actually has one yet…


For a while I wanted the A4mk2- and then I tried OB- changed everything- don’t need it(as it stands right now) I love the sound, look, feel, and size of this baby- playing on those little circle keyboard buttons feels like a home to me and it sits quite nicely in front of my monitor <3


I’m still searching …for a main sketchpad and eying the AK or the OP-1. I’ve been through a million set ups but crave one machine to just drill out the main chords/beat/parts of a song by hand and linearly … don’t know yet I guess!

Not enough in the mk2 for an upgrade imo
I am really just keen to see the revised graphics on the new bigger display of the analogs

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You do have all the things you need. It seems now you are seeking the tools to fully realize that reality.
Have you tried mindfulness meditation or Buddhist teachings?

I recently posted this in another gear forum, but it also works here:

As a species, we have evolved to seek dopamine, and ignore contentment.
Other animals have also been built, through natural selection, to remain dissatisfied and always seek rewards.

The “next thing” intrigues us, we imagine the possibile experiences with that thing, and the anticipation of obtaining it primes the reward center.

We imagine it as one of many keys to happiness. But happiness is fleeting (again, thanks to evolution), and so once the thing is obtained, our desire for happiness (which disregards contentment) seeks the next thing to be fascinated by to re-up on dopamine.

Mindfulness meditation helps you notice these feelings and learn to sit with them, and let them come, and ultimately pass through.


To me the best new features of the MKii boxes is full throttle Overbridge. Apparently you can route every track in with these puppies? Will this be at 24bit also? That to me is a current workflow slowdown with the black boxes, always going in and unticking and ticking channels on and off and wondering why or where certain routings are or are not going. To be just be able to turn everything on and go would be a game changer. That said, don’t think I will upgrade for that purpose alone, but gee that’s a great feature for new users. And yeah OB is free on the black units, but it does have this limitation.

Meditation is indeed the biggest favour you can do for yourself not just in this but all aspects of life.


Heh Adam, I’m very interested in meditation. Can you recommend any good books or classes. I’ve noticed a lot of successful people have turned to mediation and I’m interested to try.
I want to make my mind work with me not against me which I find happens quite a bit.


My cure for GAS/gear lust? Get a puppy! We got a wee border terrier last Sunday and all I can say is new gear lust is not even springing to mind for the first time in about 5 years. Having to focus on house training a puppy does that to a man… haha.

In terms of the Mk2’s - if no intention to use Overbridge then I don’t see the appeal in the AR/A4. I suspect the sampling in the AR will be obtuse/crippled in some way that would piss me off. If Overbridge is to be “full throttle” though then that is a big appeal. When I owned an A4/Ak and AR it always left me a little disappointed that the number of tracks was limited.

Good to see the MPC Live mentioned above - I had some fun with mine in Tenerfife (both airports security didn’t give a shit about it). I still wonder if Beatmaker and a controller might do the job for me to save some £££’s but I suspect it would suck the life out of music creation longer term.


Getting deep in here! Damn I love this forum! :slight_smile:

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if thats already deep…
do you get ear pressure when you hear mooji talk?

I’m generally not in the market for anything major. Happy with my synths and effects.

However, I am also considering a new MPC for gigs I hopefully have lined-up next year.

Also being asked to do some improvised music to play along with (otherwise) silent cinema. I’m wanting to use looped guitar for this, so I might have to go down the route of buying a dedicated looper.

Nothing other than maintenance and a few accessories after that on the horizon. :slight_smile:

There are so many, it is hard to suggest any one when it comes to specific practice.
Most people try many practices before settling on the one they discover works best for them in the given moment of their lives.

Of recent writings that deal with our modern lives, I am fond of Robert Wright who writes a lot about how Buddhism and meditation work to curb our natural tendencies. He focuses on evolutionary psychology.
His latest:
Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment https://www.amazon.com/dp/1439195455/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_JMWIzbA8JE1EZ


I get ear pressure when I swim…