Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

I’ve written to Elektron about just that and “Ollie” said there is no way to release the OS without Overbridge. I’m not sure exactly why that is the case but it was very straight forward that it will not happen that way.
I really pleaded my case and he said he was sorry but it’s impossible.


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Which is exactly what some of us had reservations about - that OB would negatively affect development of the hardware, but were assured it wouldn’t be the case - I don’t believe that Elektron intended it, but I do think perhaps they were a little naive, hardware development is one thing, fixed architecture, less variables, etc. Desktop software is far less simple to manage, especially if it is as ambitious an undertaking as being multi platform, multi OS. For example you regularly see a new desktop OS update break compatibility with something, now factor in all the different DAW versions, and their updates - it is probably quite a long road ahead even after launch, and then of course it is going to be ongoing. Not so bad if you are a software only company, but also having a number of different hardware products which rely on the software… :ooh:

I am not trying to stir up the hornets nest, or say I told you so, I just think it is a shit situation and I really wish Elektron all the best in trying to get it sorted, but I don’t envy them, it must be pretty stressful.

But I’d take Elektron’s business practices over Behringer any day, I trust them and I believe in them and I think they have integrity, they have stuck to their guns if not their estimates.


Hmmm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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he doesn’t seem annoyed at ALL to me. Class act that guy is

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The Elektron Mothership is moving at near light speed … Einstein had a theory about why overbridge seems to take a long time…


We get it dude. You’re pissed and that for a reason but to express this in every thread is tiresome as fugg.


One promise has been delayed - a tower of promises have been delivered with every machine.

Good luck to the Elektron team overcoming this challenge. Being overambitious is what we want, it doesn’t always work out on time.


Last night I dreamt about Overbridge- so it will be out soon!

My guess: <= 2 weeks.

By 05/21/2018

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I have a new studio desk being delivered in about two weeks so that is acceptable

I am guessing a month or two … Maybe mid June.

I believe Elektron staff will be on vacation from June to August. So we are looking at September at the earliest unless they manage to release it in May which seems unlikely.

Ohh, so forget about “soon” …

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Maybe it’s time for me to sell everything and start a modular … hmmm

I do not have much experience communicating with Ollie but in this instance he was patient and polite which I must admit, I really wasn’t. I’m very frustrated about feeling “stuck” with the current state of my AR. I can only assume its full as I’ve loaded 1000s of samples on it and anything new often gives me an error or is cut off. I’ve resorted to deleting samples I don’t think I’ll use anymore but it’s very hard to decide what stays and what may disappear forever. I wish I had made notes on what website URLs, images and random files I used to make a lot of these (SDS drop has the coolest feature ever, if you arent aware, try dropping an image or web url on one of the pads…crazy cool!). Not to mention the weird stuff I made with strom.
I did keep the traditional samples in a folder on my computer but that accounts for roughly half of whats on there. The tricky part is going through each song to find out whats been used and whats dead weight. Also, I now own an OT which would be way better for mangling these gems.
I honestly didn’t worry at the time about filling it up though as I really thought sample management would be here by now. Point is, I vented towards them and Ollie acknowledged my frustration and shared his own. He brought Ice to my flame and he deserves credit for it.


i don’t understand. If DT isn’t for you, why would OB magically fix that? Streaming your tracks to recordings, or controlling things with a mouse will make you love the DT suddenly? what?

We need an update. I’m sorry but we do. Lot of us here bought your product with Overbridge in mind and here we are now completely clueless when that will happen.

It’s fine that you underestimated the work that needed to be done but you need to take care of your consumers, otherwise this is looking like Volkswagen thing with their clean diesel scandal where they cheated and withheld the information from the consumers about their product.

We have to have some kind of protection and right as a consumer so please give us an update.

@Ess @Olle ?

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I will say, though I understand the frustration in this thread, I don’t get why delivery of Overbridge would decide whether you sell or keep the product. Is bouncing down 8 channels at once really that painful? And do you really need to use the mouse on a GUI on a monitor that bad? For me , the point of Elektron machines is how much fun they are to use live, without relying on a screen. I have the MK1 AR and I rarely use Overbridge. Mostly to select samples since its such a pain in the ass. Just curious why its such a show stopper for you guys…

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Best part of your post. And I’m not being rude.

I suggest you try to record live into your DAW 8 times in a row in the exact same way, turning knobs etc. And doing what you would do live. And without hearing the other 7 tracks of course. :stuck_out_tongue: if you fail, you’ll understand why some people really like the idea of OB. :wink:

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