Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

This thread is so magic


So, whats the status update on Overbridge?


The gift that keeps on giving :smiley:

And the snooker is on!

Maybe the it’s better that there is not yet overbridge for some materials, it is not for this thread!



This thread will be sadly shuttered one day, but don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll have a fair few ‘OB not working on my setup’ threads to enjoy. :smiley:

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Was thinking about that today actually. 4 physical stereo outs would be awesome, you could just group frequency spectrums together, and at least get the kick isolated.


I’d be good with 4 mono outs - or actually, a master stereo pair (including master FX) and and a stereo aux pair that could be used via panning as two monos if wanted. But
 c’est la vie.

This, and the large compact flash storage are why I have the OT MKII instead of the DT.
I love the sound of the DT, but those features are the main reason I have the OT instead.

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I’m wondering if theres a way to seperate the headphone out to utilize it like an aux mix?

Totally get this. I think just having a mono out for track 1 in addition to the stereo outs would appease my need for OB quite a bit. As it stands I kind of want another device for the kick

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I highly recommend the Roland TM-2.
$169, usually, and takes MIDI or CV inputs. 4 independent .wav voices and gives you two more outputs. Works with every Elektron sequencer. Has its own compressor and limiter as well.


As a software developper i understand Overbridge delay very well and i cant imagine the complexity of such a thing. Damn i would not want to be Elektron right now.
So i dont mind waiting for OB.

But to be honest the fact that the A4 mk2 has still a critical flaw right now with sound lock is something i find very disappointing and i kinda regret my purchase since i will probably have to wait for Overbridge to get it fixed. My Mk1 was a superior instrument. This is going to change in the future but right now i miss my MK1.

Also 4 years of waiting for a transfer app or some way to transfer samples for the Rytm MK1 is not acceptable IMO.


That sounds cool. So it works like a kick generator, like the jomox base?

I don’t want to get too off topic, you can search the forum for it if you wish to continue the conversation, as it’s been mentioned a few times, but basically it is a .wav player. I have the SD card on my Roland TM-2 loaded with every drum sample imaginable. Not just kicks, but everything else, from Acidlab, Roland, Jomox, MFB, Elektron, Vermona, modular, etc.
Turns the Digitakt sequencer from an 8 track sample based beat box with one stereo (or dual mono) output into a 12 voice beat box pair with two stereo outputs (or 4 mono, or 1 stereo + 2 mono, etc.)


Absolutely agree, you share my thoughts exactly 
 no need to post anymore. No need to maintain a negative atmosphere (speaking for everyone here not you @Scot_Solida), if something don’t work as expected people need to find how they can continu to make music, that’s the most important goal
 few years above we don’t have all of this and we made music !!! so come on
 it’s time to multitrack record ! you loose a bit of time but at least your musical project are in the DAW and you can polish and construct 

Just let them work now and we probably appreciate the work : stability, new features, etc
 it gives noob time to grasp their machine in a more Live Performance way with is undoubtedly a good thing. Backup and OB are coming at some point.

Multitrack recording for DAWless people :

I just wonder how little is their definition of little

this 1 million times

The video the presented Elektrons measure of time

Were you on the forum for the Analog Heat prelude?

It felt like an eternity of waiting and guessing in suspense

All initiating with the title “Before Long” :smiley: