Recording Stems into OT

I want to try to record some loops into the OT with an idea towards the ableton in a box scenario.

I know, I know. There are better uses for the OT but I want to try this.

I’m having trouble with clicks and pops and sync in general. That’s my question in case the next paragraph goes on too long. What’s the best practice?

I love using the pattern transition trick as part of my live rig and want to use that approach if possible for recording loops and magic moments. For pattern transitions it doesn’t have to be beautiful. But for stems I want it to be right. I’m getting a transient at the start of the first kick and it makes the whole thing sound like ONE two three four… So I swapped the midi order and put the OT up front. Same. Record four bars and slice - different versions of same. It’s clear that I need to go into the wave editor and find the natural start with the pan and zoom feature. Or is playing with the record trig the right path. I’m trying everything of course but if you have a secret, I’d love to hear it.

(Edit, fin and fout are both set to the minimum possible value to avoid clicks)

Do you have any tips for how to get the best results for trimming loops without too much squinting?


Set short envelopes at the start and end of the sample in record options (2nd page) to avoid clicks. Setting right scaling + length of sample in record options will be also useful to save time (no trimming needed)

Thanks. I think I’m doing fin/fout correctly. And by scaling, you mean rlen? I’ve got that at one bar. Still get a chop at the beginning of the loop though.

I’m more on my new A4 synthesis those days but I had less clicks with Pickups with no fade in / out in Rec Setup 2, but QLen and Qpl set to Pattern Length, especially for resampling and overdub.

Depending on audio material, you can’t avoid clicks. I don’t like fade in / out behaviour in OT.
It was better on my former Rc 505.

A lot to read :

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Thanks. I kind of see where this is heading.

i’ve had my best results when i set my rec trig to begin sampling at a quiet point in the loop (usually not on a downbeat, rather an offbeat trig like #4 or something) and placing the play trig at the same spot. if i still get a click there during playback, turning up the attack to 16-32 usually helps.


Just for sanity check I would create a new project, set up one or two recorders and flex tracks, and try a simple loop recording and a transition recording. If there’s no click there then something’s up with the other project. There’s been one or two times where clicks appeared in my loops and kept doing it until I did something I can’t remember (reload part/reload project/power cycle/clear slot?)-one of those worked…
Just did a bunch of testing last night, fin and fout at their minimum, amp settings default.
Rytm loop: no click
Synth phrases: no click
Transition sample from main (7 tracks): no click
Consistent bass note from synth: click
Only click was from a constant bass tone, with this type of material the click can be avoided by using a pickup to sample and letting it go through the loop point into overdub and then stopping recording.

Edit: It may be that my material just doesn’t have as much happening at the loop point, will try again later with some other stuff… Also if you don’t get clicks with a new project we should try to figure out where and how the clickups appear and file a bug report…
Edit 2: When my project was clicking it would then do it even if recording silence, so you can also record some silent loops with default amp settings and if it clicks, you’re where I was…

Thank you very much for this. I’m in a new project and indeed my clicking is from reverb tails in this case. It’s a common trope for me so I need to work it out.
I need to learn pickups better and will try the overdub idea. Nice one.

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