Polyend Sequencer


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Pretty cool but Christ it’s pricey!

This is definitely one of those bits of gear i cant help but trot out the “better with an iPad” chat.


like it, if i had a grand knockin about i’d get one

It all seems a bit much, but I think I’d enjoy playing this.

oof, it looks nice. I’d say it’s a blast to use.

Has a bit of a MISA NSC vibe to it


thank god it’s in a wooden enclosure


Anyone got one of these beauties?
If so are you using midi and usb or did you get the poly module for the Eurocrack or maybe some other converter like Endorphin.es Shuttle?

Either way this has had an update or two with more planned, just surprised there isn’t more excitement around this long box of Polish forest…

I have on of these beauties, no CV.

Using regular midi in and output with a midi thru box as I needed more outputs for different gear.

I am extremely happy with it. Bought it when the price dropped to 999 Euro.

Support is great. They told me they are working on the Medusa until September or so and will add another update for the Polyend later (this year).

I think it is the price that makes it much less attractive for many. A thing you can certainly argue about, but I am personally very happy about my decision to get one. As a monome user I was always looking for a standalone version and the Polyend has almost everything I need and it is so much fun and easy to work with.


Well, between you and me :wink: mine just landed today!
Already I love it!
I was checking out the Medusa purely out of boredom and that led me to the seq, I can’t believe it hadn’t slapped me round the face earlier!
It is just so pleasurable to use and so intuitive, I tried it first off with just MI Elements via the newly acquired poly module just as a quick check that all the lights showed life!
This evening I had a quick 20 mins with just the seq and Nord Drum 2 and not only did I fall in love yet again with my ND2 it cemented how amazing the seq is, so quick to get seriously intricate and detailed, I feel so content now which is a precious and fragile state.
Later when my good lady is asleep I have plans to use the Seq, ND2 and A1R to make some fun noises, can’t wait!

I realise I have been waiting for this sequencer my whole life!

Side note, only had the money to buy it as our cat became very ill and after steaming quickly through the insurance funds I knew I had to sell some musical assets and quick. Then found out after letting go of some very very special units that sadly her illness is incurable and so with no hope of recovery I had toy money again…
She is stable and I suspect the Seq is a gift from her in a roundabout way…

Anyways excuse my gushing and rambling

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Sorry about your cat rotallytuined, sounds like you all really love her and that is nice to know :wink:

Yeah, the Polyend is a dream come true, very easy to use and so quick to adjust parameters for each sequence to their need fast.
The ability to see all 8 x 32 step sequences at once and is probably one of the major advantages compared to other sequences in my opinion.

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Can it do conditional trigs?

Not yet, and I’ve not had it long enough to think of a way round that apart from the nifty pattern jumping which I’ve not tried.
I have the OT and DT though so can get round it.
Even with that conditional trig limitation there are plenty more features that more than keep me happy and occupied, the sequence playback directions and retrig velocity curve options are glorious!
Really love having midi ratcheting too and a modulation source that’s easy to assign, throw in the randomisation and I’m a happy chappie!


Thanks, it’s been hard seeing the cat deteriorate and then being told she doesn’t have long :sneezing_face:
And yeah I panic-sold hoping that the money would help but it didn’t and it was too late.

Thanks to forum members who have bought from me these last few months and thanks to a few others whom I’ve sold privately to also :pray:t3:

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What’s your thoughts on this versus a deluge?

No idea of what the deluge is capable of doing sequencer wise sorry!

Been playing with this Seq and a Waldorf XT aaaaalllllllllll day and I just can’t get over how intuitive and quick it is to use, a pure joy!
Been sequencing chords and single notes on single tracks, crazy modulation and random direction for some serious FM/Wavetable tones and grooves.

Love doesn’t do my feelings justice…

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I saw this, looks like they have allowed the rolls to be the length of the note now rather than just a step, like the Rytm etc…
This sequencer is brilliant anyway, love love it!

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Bit of a letdown that it only has 48 midi outs though, shame