Play just one note from a chord at random

In a bid to make some randomised, generative-esque patterns I wondered… Is it possible to play a chord from a single trig and play just one note at random each time the chord is triggered? Logically, yes is the answer. But can I do it? Nope!

  • Play a chord? Check. Enter those notes!
  • Play a single note? Check. Limit the voice of the track to one.
  • Randomise the note played each time the chord is triggered? Nope.

I tried setting the arp to run but can’t get it playing just one note per trig which is a ballache. Short of programming in a bunch of notes over a long pattern setting up everything as a conditional trig is there a way to do this or am I asking too much of the DT? My mind is still working with the Octatrack and things like slice randomisation are easy-peasy there (Thanks, LFOs!)

So. Anyone?