Overbridge in May but WHEN?

yup looks like they used Overbridge for the Junkyard demo.

… Actually, you are 110% correct.[/quote]
…hehe,with that kind of multi-tasking my respect is even greater!


Sorry, can’t vouch for that statement. I run my A4 into the OT and out of the OT’s CUE outs into the Rytm. I also run several other OT tracks out of the CUE into the Rytm.

This way I can process, glue if you will, everything together and it sounds frickin’ awesome.

I can see the inputs being an issue if you have no way to boost the signal beforehand; however, the OT has plenty of sound boosting features.

Other people use small mixers to boost signals.[/quote]

Right on, but for those of us who don’t have that particular configuration it’s still unbelievably quiet. I own other gear which has a price bracket below the RYTM and even their audio inputs are better in this regard. It’s not exactly a deal breaker for me but it does make me go “c’mon, really?” considering it’s a $1400 drum machine.

That is one thing I’m really looking forward to. I think the sample management aspect alone might be a winner for those who find C6 and the internal organizing of the RYTM to be a bit wonky.

So, it’s May the 5th and i’m getting more and more excited … :slight_smile:

For me the biggest thing with OB in the first place will be: What does the Rytm’s Interface look like and how can i control the Rytm with the Plugin. Im not sure if there already are some leaked Pics around (like they were with the A4’s Plugin Months before Messe) but i guess i dont even wanna know it :slight_smile:

Messe itself revealed some interesting new Plugins and among them is this guy from Softube (who generally make really good plugins i think):

Yeah, i know - its just a Plugin its not the Rytm, it isnt analog and stuff like that … but - if you see such Plugins evolving and listen to their sound it somehow makes me excited what Elektron gives us to control the Rytm in a “DAW-Way” :wink: Because if this evolution continues Software Plugins will give you all you need when you work on a computer. This makes techonology like Overbridge somewhat redundant if you take just the simple aspect of sound into account.

Still you cant directly compare the worlds of digital and analog (a Plugin alone obviously doesnt have the performance aspects of a real hardware) but one has to admit that the lines are blurred these days. And comparison to dedicated Plugins may not be that far-fetched if you consider that you can get your “hardware” to control the software easily from a lot of companies already.

It’s funny how people is “virulent” on the Overbridge Subject… Musicians makes music since decades without Overbridge ! People buy Electron hardware but Overbridge is not included in the buying package description.

There’s no obligation honestly ! Machines are right in there current states and thanks to dataline (my bad you right) to remembering that. He’s right. Updates coming regularly, innovative ideas is offered ! purely and simply ! But it’s hard work and process and it’s FREE. No doubt it’s telling us that : when you buy electron stuff you bet on a horse for the long term !

And honestly that’s not a simple thing. With 3 years warranty it’s a very comfortable and reassuring purchase.

I will definitely get me beaten up for their cock licking, but i assume my thanks to them for that.

This was a general response to the thread itself, right? Because i actually wrote something completely different :slight_smile:

I find it quite exciting that they focus on giving us this huge big update, but i ask myself: Do we really need this - long term? I mean: I bought Elektron Machines for their usability as hardware, their flexibility and obviously their sound. When we now move into the DAW World we have completely different “beasts” to deal with. And apart from the Sound i dont really see how the integration will benefit compared to what we already have as software plugins - and compared to what is coming for a fraction of the price the Hardware costs. It will - most likely - just be the fact of grabbing individual outputs from the machines and a (hopefully) tight sync. Nice things to have, for sure - but optional in my opinion.

I complained - long ago already - about the lost focus on hardware features (like new machines for the Rytm for example) thanks to Overbridge. In my opinion this will surely give us a new way of working with our machines and integrating them but it should always be optional! What matters most is what the hardware is capable of and can give us because in the end we bought the machines for the reason of having the machine :slight_smile: In the software world there is a lot of competition and we’ve seen this with the Virus TI already: Hyped in the first place now practically only used by it’s Fanbase and people that still have one. But no one really buys this thing anymore, the Synth is basically dead. With technology moving forward Overbridge is nice but should always be optional: Elektron must concentrate on the machines themselve. Because this is what matters - in my opinion at least.

Not to be contrary, but I’m sure the numerous users who rub up against the “Step Jump Bug” daily would disagree. In fact, they may very well be the other faction of users; those who wish Overbridge development would wait while critical bug fixes take precedence.

With 3 years warranty it’s a very comfortable and reassuring purchase.

This I can agree with 100%.

15 days left till friday :slight_smile:

Is this the right thread to drop a joke that OB is out, I’ve downloaded it and it’s awesome?



Just checking.

It’s not out.

I’m joking.

Though I actually do live next door to Elektron’s HQ, so I guess I could go check it out.

Unless I’m kidding about that too.

I’m not.

Am I?

Now I’ve confused myself.

And hijacked this thread with bad writing and lousy timing.


I am the originator of this thread, which started out as a bit of joke, obviously, but then has some asinine comments about it being “virulent”

I can wait for it, I actually upgraded my audio interface and love it, I won’t get the same sound with Overbridge, there is just no way, especially since individual tracks won’t have the awesome effects that come with Elektron gear since effects are global. But all else with what’s in store with Overbridge seems like it will be great. Still, I can wait, not in any sort rush to have it. I’d rather they release it without any bugs. So take your time Elektron, and to the people whining about “virulent” etc, grow a sense of humor.

Release it with the bugs, the people that want it bug free can wait for that if they want. Which will never happen, all complex software has bugs.

Elektron is for me an example company developing products/SW in an Agile way. Releasing hardware with a certain cadence but even more, releasing hardware features by releasing new software (e.g. +drive for AF, overdrive for the AR/AK/AF), which is incredible clever from product management/roadmapping point of view. Question is, why Overdrive is not released in a cadence based on weighted shortest job first principle? The Overdrive project feels more like a “waterfall” project now…

Hello i’m not sibling you :stuck_out_tongue: i say it’s funny how people (so here and there, on some another thread…) = GENERALLY SPEAKING !
So no offense AT ALL :wink:

Here’s my question, are we going to have to pay for Overbridge when it’s released?

you’ve already paid for it by having to read through all of these OB threads on elektronauts and other forums.


IMHO, it should have been a paid upgrade so they could have afforded to hire more developers to keep bug fixes/updates going for their hardware, but again, that’s just my opinion.

you’ve already paid for it by having to read through all of these OB threads on elektronauts and other forums.


IMHO, it should have been a paid upgrade so they could have afforded to hire more developers to keep bug fixes/updates going for their hardware, but again, that’s just my opinion.
Yes but then idiots people will bitch and moan that it isnt $2.99 on ‘i blah’ and ‘goggle plop’ ala OT E

I bought an Analog Keys 3 weeks ago and I knew OB was coming but I bought it for what it was and for the ability to not use a computer to compose songs :slight_smile: That mindset helps me waiting … that having no time for myself :wink: