OTmkII: Printed Manual?

Another +1 for doxdirect by far the best I have used and great quality/price ratio.

I know Iā€™m replying to a super old post, but wanted to thank you for the tip on this printing service!

I tried at a couple more well-known businesses and they refused to print it because itā€™s technically under copyright.

By the way, I didnā€™t scale down the PDF and it came out perfect. Maybe the PDF changed or that place changed their printing method.

From time to time I really like going back to the manual for the OT, and itā€™s no fun to read a PDF on my phone :slight_smile:


NotNot an OT, but maybe you get the ideaā€¦

I can sell you an OT manual for $50 plus shippingā€¦

Good luck!

So https://www.doxdirect.com doesnā€™t ship internationally any longer it seems. Anyone have any recommendations for other print services within the EU? I live in Sweden.


I canā€™t recommend a service, but my notes on DIY printing and binding are below. If you already have a printer, a binding machine pays for itself after 3 manuals or so. If you donā€™t have a printer, maybe 6-8 manuals will do it?

I recommend specific equipment that I used, but Iā€™m fairly confident that everything other than the Brother printer can be swapped out with similar stuff. Nothing comes close to the Brother in terms of cost:value ratio. And I say that as a ā€˜90s HP enthusiast (when HP used top shelf Canon guts for their lasers)

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Yeah I guess that might be my best alternative at the moment. I find it very odd that doxdirect canā€™t ship here, or that there doesnā€™t seem to be any other competitor doing the same thing. Weird.

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