Octatrack Changing banks P locks not working

Hi, I am having issues volume locks on dim green trigs not working on thru machines that are running my TR8s through. I have it muted on some patterns and then the vol back up on other patterns in my tunes, But It seams to stop working or work erratically , I think this is when I change banks but I haven’t established that fully yet. I have my first gig next week and Its freaking me out…!

Any suggestions ?

OS Version?

Hey Rusty 1.30

Not sure if it explains your problems, but Bank changes imply Part changes, which need regular trigs to be effective.
If you change bank / part and place Trigless trig only, part changes are not effective.

A workaround would be to place a regular trig on step 1, and your first Trigless trig with - 23/384 microtiming on the second step if you want it to be effective at pattern beginning.

1.30 A, B, C, D ? :slight_smile:

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Thanks Sezare
Ill take a look, I am on OT MK2 1,20 D Rusty

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