Noob question re patterns

Hi - I’ve combed the manual and I only see info on using bank and pattern to load things. I am uncertain how to save to them. (Also searched the forums!)

For example, in bank A pattern 1 I have a sequence and tones I like. I want to put something similar in bank A pattern 2, then tweak it and save it in that spot. In a “performance” I could use A1 for part of my “song” then switch to A2 when I’m ready for something that’s slightly different, then move to A3 when ready for that, etc.

Can someone tell me the sequence to save what I’m doing to A2, A3, etc? As far as I can see the manual just says how to load from those things and I’m struggling to figure out how to write to them.

There are likely simple steps like:

Load A1, [something using copy] [something to indicate A2] [something using paste] but I can’t figure them out. Everything I try makes A2 A3 etc blank.


If you’ve selected the pattern then you’re writing to it, and it’s saved automatically. To copy a pattern, make sure you’re not in step record view and press FUNC+REC. Move over to A2 and then press FUNC+ STOP.
You can use pattern saving and reloading to mess stuff up and then return to what you had. Use FUNC+Yes and FUNC+NO to save and reload patterns.

Hopefully that was clear enough. Happy to answer any questions but I have a Digitakt and not the Digitone. Thankfully the workflow seems basically the same from playing with the DN in the shop.
Check out this mega tutorial by Cuckoo. It’s long but his tutorials are essential viewing imo.


Thanks Jimmo - that’s very helpful!