New Elektron Box 2016

a low hanging fruit to pick when it comes to “different”:
could be a lot simpler, in fact it maybe should. The trick is finding a balance of depth/fun, right?

if you show a Elektron thing to most people, they’re maybe intrigued, but most don’t seem to want to invest the mental energy to wrap their heads around it.
So maybe there’s a bit of a change about that?

Another thing and somewhat related: what’s Elektron’s customer demographic? It’s almost exclusively rich white 40year old dudes. An affluent part of the world’s population, yes, but really we’re a bunch of old dickheads tbh. There are cooler and younger people who are better at making tunes, maybe they should use Elektron kit too…?


Damn @void, you earn your pseudo :evil:

Well, to me depth == fun. I have no illusion of becoming a world-famous musician. I’m into this because I enjoy messing about with cool toys. For instance, I’d much rather see some weird machine I don’t even understand what is to yet another analog subtractive. If I wanted simple, I’d be playing the tambourine. Ideally, a machine should be deep, but user friendly. But I’d rather answer 100 “why don’t I hear any sound?” forum posts than miss out on some strange, original feature that is confusing at first.

But yeah, from a business view-point, perhaps simpler and cheaper makes sense. Or perhaps catering to a very specific target customer base is better? Biggest fish in a small pond kind of thing? I have no idea, I just hope that is what they will keep doing, since it why I like Elektron in the first place.

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Breaking the broad synth engines of the silver machines out into modernized standalone products would be cool (see how many different ways I’m trying to get an FM machine produced :ecstatic:).

Well I for one love the elektron boxes exactly because of their flexibility and deepness. My house is getting stuffed with lil gizmos that all do one thing… which is cool, but causes one to run out of sequencer/midi and audio channels very easily.

In this one project that I am involved in, the other band member has a bunch of stuff, a sequencer, a mackie desk etc whereas I just connect one pair of TRS cables to his mackie’s aux return bus. The portability of an ITB setup while still being hardware, something very appealing about that IMO

Elektron now master a lot of technics, and I’d like some of them to be gathered in one instrument…

  • sampling
  • sample playing
  • analog filters (good on samples, ain’t it my dear Rytm ?)
  • conditional trig
  • plockable arps
  • 3x the same sample played as a chord on one track (Monomachine with DigiPro wavetables does this)
  • MIDI control
  • scenes, performances, and a crossfader** to move from one to the other
  • pads for finger drumming

** let’s had an evolution : a tactile pad to get some evolution on two different performence OR to crossfade between 4 different scenes !!

=> Conclusion : OT should be silver so that we can be waiting for a black OT :smile:


I wonder if they’ll use the overbridge to come up with their own spin on the nord nodular G2. Something that has the option to open up on a computer, yet fully editable in an elektron sized interface. And also, something that nord has never seemed to particularly enthusiastic about updating.
That’d be my dream ticket anyway :slight_smile:


my guess would be some kind of overbridge hub machine - remixer/fx/arranger/midi seq type thing… like an elektron box version of a kaoss pad on steroids

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I hope so… i hope so


Hey, I’m only 38!

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Would be cool if we see a new Elektron machine that is inspired by Technos Acxel Resynthesizer and Hartmann Neuron. This with Overbridge would be very interesting.

Or CBM 64 Overbridge :wink:

LOL @void The old dude comment - but I’m only 23! (albeit for the second time around the loop)


I want a way to do live dubby mixes with a few Elektron boxes and compact desktop synths. The Octatrack alone doesn’t quite cover the hands-on immediacy and input count of a dedicated analog mixer.

I just spent a couple hours researching the state of DJ/Performance mixers, and I’m a bit disappointed. Much of it is overpriced with awkward feature sets. Also really physically large!

I’d love to see an Elektron solution to performance mixers. Full integration / control of other Elektron boxes, analog filters / EQ / compressor, flexible routing, and so on.


I would love to see Elektron push out a sampler that is capable of handling multisample libraries. There are so many I still have from my DAW days, and still pick up the occasional one from Samples From Mars. It would be great to harness these great sounds in a non-DAW, non-rack sampler environment.


The octatrack is fine with multi samples
8 tracks and resample to one track.
Create sample chains
Lock in one shots and so on and so on

I’d like to see something entirely different and new as the analog side has been taken care of with a4 and ar
Digital poly taken care of via the mono.

I’d love to see a modular dock for a4 or an elektron all in one modular system with plock cables and connections or Pin matrix

Like a make noise black and gold system but with an elektron take

why do you all think that the next thing from Elektron will actually be a hardware? They learned from Overbridge … maybe they will release some PlugIns to complement OB first :wink:

Can we take a step back and talk about the librarian/step-editor? This was a major selling point for me and I swear I read somewhere they would be available in Autumn 2015. I’m happy with everything but this would be a huge boost to my workflow to be honest.

Not multiple samples - multisample libraries. Like gigasample electric pianos that have 32 sampled hits for one note

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yeah i got what you said orginally but why what you want this in an elektron box?
i have never understood multisampling thing as a production tool to honest, though, so it must just be me. id rather just use real world multi instruments or hardware and sample the crap out of an analog synth or modular and then duplicate tracks on the OT or in ableton.
Just different ways of working i guess

Flexibility is the goal, and to be able to harness the overall sound of an instrument, and how it reacts to different velocities in the natural world.

Multisample libraries make sampled instruments most of us could never dream of owning come alive, and I’d love to have that power in an Elektron instrument.