New Elektron Box 2016

I think you’re on to something. New elektron box is a whale drum machine.

If it’s going to be a full-on Elektron box, my hunch is that it’ll be an update of just the audio section of the Octatrack. No MIDI or CV sequencing, naturally; all CPU resources devoted to supporting sample polyphony, Overbridge compatibility, >4 analog inputs, >4 analog outputs, and all the new sequencer tricks that are only seen in the Analog series.

It might also extend the comb filter into a more flexible modal resonator, and it might bring decent specs for multi-grain granular synthesis. Physical modeling and granular synthesis are relatively trendy right now, and they also happen to be modes of synthesis that thrive off of sampling.

When they really said that the new box will be something different (from their lineup, also from the past) so we can exclude the following:

synthesizer (box or keyboard)

what could be possible:

mixer with usb-audio in and fx and seq and p-lock

Eurorack :sleeping: (i hope not)

vocoder :grin:


:sweat_smile: Same here

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Aren’t the saying no overlap between current machines? That’s how I’m reading it. So it may very well be digital synth or drum machine.

Aaaarrrgghhh… Why am I getting drawn into speculation. :zonked:


It’ll be entry level stuff with focus on live jamming into actual patterns. Smaller in size, focused in features, a distill of their collective experience so far. Three to five boxes, priced around 300-400 Euro per box. Pros will love it for their sound and instant punch, noobs will find a way into the Elektron world. Overbridge will make more sense and we’ll realise that OB is primarily for what’s to come, not for what already was.


Whatever it is, it’ll be some next level (where’s my “next level” .gif from shtuff!

I think they’ll skip modular.

This is a company that defies expectations; they have that “been there, done that” attitude, so it won’t be a sequel to the Monomachine or MachineDrum…though I kinda wish it were :elmd: :elmm:

Ideally: a Voltron-esque behemoth that combines all the previous machines’ strengths into one!

CHAN!!! …in the final of this video say something about this…


Since we’re all just spit-balling here…

How about a digital box that serves as an OT Mk2, but has all the digital MD and MM (and therefore SID) synth engines inside, built atop a new and more scaleable digital platform? With all the trappings of the Analog boxes (OB, performance macros, fills, probability, micro timing, polyrhythms, sounds browser)

Elektron Digital Highlander.

There can only be one.


That’s pretty much exactly what I’m envisioning they will do. In fact, it’s a big reason why I got rid of my Octatrack when I did…and maybe would have done the same with the MDUW and MNM, but with the price cut/discontinuation I’m better off keeping them for now.

I’d actually be willing to pay a pretty penny for something like that. Although even if it’s digital, it would be badass and more forward thinking if it had some CV outputs and INPUTS alongside midi, such as the Squarp Pyramid has (but hopefully more CV than the meager options there).

But we have to wait until Loop 2016 in november. One thing for sure is that it has Overbridge :wink:

@ 1:10:46

It’ll be called the OctaTrip and make the dankest p-locked memes



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Maybe they allready setup an url like they did when they started with the analog-series.

Nice catch Sebas… I watched the entire video, learned a few new tricks, and then the choice words starting at 2:00:00. That gave some pretty good clues as to what we may be looking at, and what we are not looking at.


Yep, that’s exciting. Funny, also, the dismissive reaction about Eurorack. You’re all safe! :wink:

I really hope it turns out that this thing is to the MX-1 as the Rytm is to the TR-8, in terms of relative sound shaping flexibility, modulation power, performance customizability, FX quality and malleability, sequencing complexity, and toylikeness of packaging. I’d instantaneously buy (if I were to guess) a multitrack USB streaming mixer that has interesting FX, generous analog I/O and sends, and as much sequencing power as the A4 and Rytm have over volume, panning, FX, EQ, etc. Drooling a little imagining a step-sequenceable mixer with conditional locks…

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Not sure the mixer will be the new product. After the Mx-1 discussion Cenk says some stuff about being completely different and new but recognisable. So I think the Mixer will come later from them and these new boxes will be a new form factor and new interface. But wow, a central nervous system mixer from Elektron with effects would be the icing on the cake for my setup. :3lektron::aw:

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Well I’ll try to start putting back $150/month in anticipation. “Not an OT Mk2” , “something new that doesn’t replace any current product” - fine by me!

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If they’re going for something entirely different from their previous work, my money’s on them making a fiddle. Or given their expertise and making sequencers, perhaps a player piano with p-locks.