New Elektron Box 2016

ok, soo, this one is nice… said that… HEY ELECTRON, WHERE IS YOUR ANSWER TO THAT :-)))


Nice :slight_smile: Some Captain Beefheart vibes at 2.30.

my online life is pretty much checkin for this, a new MacBook Pro, Nintendo NX and zelda botw


Not trying to jack the thread… but Just read this today regarding the NX:


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8 posts were split to a new topic: Apple MacBook Pro

A post was merged into an existing topic: Apple MacBook Pro

Maybe it will be announced in august, hmm?

“Tonight’s the night, tonight’s the night, tonight’s the night”

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so exciting!


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hah! so boring!

Sorry if someone has already pointed this out but on the Elektron website (the support page ) what does he have in his hands ??? its not the insides of any of my boxes? For starters the encoders are on the left and i think their are 10 , Am i seeing things ???

You’re not. But it’s nothing new. Somewhere deep in this abyss of a thread it was figured to be a mirrored A4.

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Cheers :wink:

Any news on when will be some news about the new box ?

sweet… first i was like, that poor soul and his beats headphones…but it kept getting better!

Hey, new user here. I have been a very happy Elektron user since 2011.
I own OT, AK, and AR.

In regards to the new box:
My question is, in the past the “intrigue lapse”, which is the period between the release of the teaser and the release of the product itself, was shorter, and a shorter waiting period seemed to me better suited to unleash a larger amount of purchases. In other words, you see the teaser, you get crazy GAS, you figure which credit cards to use, move kids to the public school, you save a bit, sell some crap, and there it is, the product is released and you put an order the first day/week/month.

But now it seems to me they are missing the train a bit. I did have some funds right when the teaser came out, and saved a little more, and would have been ready to buy it about three weeks ago, but as of today, i may buy myself some modular. Or a martin guitar…

This situation reminds me a bit of the “we have a surplus stock of MnMs and MDs stored and we don’t know what to do with them”, and then it took them three months to fulfill all the orders.

Just a reflection on Elektron marketing strategies as of late…


They will never time it when everyone is ready to spend. But I agree teasers can make people react in ways not intended, like spending on something else and not waiting.

To tease and not release is just bad form. The Elektrons know this.

Either they didn’t expect this frustration, or perhaps it’s not all that big of a deal. We’re a bunch of diehard forum users with vocal opinions, but there must be thousands of Elektron users who just get on with it.

Maybe the teaser was primarily for them.